I should probably open this entry with a disclaimer. This post is an attempt to organize my thoughts about grief.
At 9am on December 23rd, my Grammie passed away. My husband, brother, and I were driving to Northern California to be with my parents for Christmas when I got the phone call from my mom. It wasn't a surprise, but at the same time, it wasn't something I expected.
Grammie had been fighting colon cancer and had been put on hospice in her home weeks ago, so we knew the end was near. She had two very large tumors that could not be operated on. As a result, her appetite and strength diminished until she was too weak to continue on. I last saw her two weekends ago. She looked weak and I could tell she was hurting badly. I was thankful that she could even recognize me with all of the pain medications she was on. That night I sat with her, holding her hands, speaking occasionally, and praying that her pain would be soothed. Of course, my hope was that her pain would cease and that we could keep her here on earth for longer. But our plans are not God's plans.
I think I first began grieving when I heard about her diagnosis. Severe colon cancer does not give an already weak grandma good chances. I was given plenty of comfort and encouragement from family and friends who had known people who had fought that cancer and won. Grammie was not strong enough physically to do that. When Grammie was placed in hospice it really hit home. I've never lost someone close to me this way. To be honest, the closest losses I've had were my Great Auntie Bea and my friend Landon. They were very unexpected situations and the grief cut differently than it did with Grammie. The night my mom told me that Grammie was placed in hospice, I grieved hard. To me, it was the end of the story. As my husband held me and wiped away my tears he said a few things to me that helped. He said that it was ok to hurt, but he also reminded me of the truth.
The truth is that Grammie was in a lot of pain.
The truth is that we are not meant for this world.
The truth is that there is a better place without pain and without suffering.
These thoughts give me comfort as I grieve. Grammie no longer hurts. As much as I crave one last story, one last laugh from her... I know that she is in a better place. And even if that means that our hearts ache we can at least take solace in that.
Grammie was one of the sweetest women I've known. She always had frozen Eggo waffles (my favorite, eaten uncooked) and Hershey Nuggets. When I was younger I used to unwrap a Nugget, pop it in my mouth, and fold the paper into the original shape, and then place it back in the candy dish to see if I could trick her. She somehow enjoyed that silly prank. Grammie also had wonderful stories to tell. They ranged from her minor usage of french to the craziness of her three children. I don't think I ever heard her complain. She loved mallard ducks, lighthouses, iceskating, and Maine. Later in life, she adopted the Lakers as her sports team and diligently watched every game of theirs that she could with a Laker flag and blanket. Even though she had to quit smoking for health reasons, the smell of some cigarettes still reminds me of her. Grammie watched my husband and I as romantic leads in a play together before we were even dating and suggested that he would make a handsome boyfriend. Grammie was a smart lady.
I'm having a hard time organizing my thoughts, so I apologize if this post seems scattered.
I think that Grammie's death has reminded me how important it is to keep in touch with those we love. We have limited years, months, weeks, hours, minutes, and seconds with our families and friends. Even if you have weeks to say goodbye, that time will not be enough. No one knows how long we can hear their stories and feel their embraces. I will intentionally treasure these things.
So, for the first year in a long time I am making a New Year's Resolution. I resolve to soak up the loving words and actions and to reflect them back. I resolve to be intentional. I will not and cannot be perfect, but I can try my hardest to show my love.
Thank you for reading.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Epic Weekend (or, the weekend I proved my wifely awesomeness)
Hubbs has been bugging me to write lately, and I figured this weekend was blog-worthy, so you are now my victims.
Friday night Hubbs and I went to see a Christmas play at our undergrad. We got free tickets because I had made a ridiculous hat for one of the costumes. For the first time, neither of us knew any of the students in the show. We had fun enjoying the Christmassy feelings and re-connecting with the director and another friend who had worked on the show.
Saturday, Hubbs and I went into the LA area to visit family and to see a PWG show. For those of you who are blissfully unaware, PWG stands for Pro-Wrestling Guerilla. PWG is like WWE, but smaller and with less big stars. The great thing about PWG is that the matches are all very high-energy. PWG shows are generally held in smaller venues than the larger wrestling promotions so we found ourselves about ten feet from the action at times. I might also mention that PWG is not for the faint of heart. These guys get seriously injured and go flying into the crowd from time to time. The fans take great joy in that. One other thing I've noticed about wrestling fans is their love of chanting. They often like to encourage or dis the guys wrestling, or they chant the catch phrases of the wrestlers. One wrestler (Steen) has the catch phrase of "Kill, Steen, Kill." He was seen hugging another wrestler and Hubbs started up the rather popular new chant of "Hug, Steen, Hug." Later in the night, I decided to try my luck on originating a chant for the last match. Another fan was heckling one of the tag teams and I hollered, "That's Not Nice! That's Not Nice! That's Not Ni......" before I decided it was wiser to be silent than to chant. I was drawing unnecessary attention from the wrestlers and fans surrounding me. Thus died the small spark of creation in my soul that night. The event went quite late into the night and I was fully thankful to stumble into bed once we got home.
Today we woke up and got on the road to San Diego for a Chargers game. A buddy of ours had won the tickets at his work but was unable to attend, so we got them! We were seated on the Plaza level, almost behind the goalposts of an end zone. Hubbs and I take great joy in yelling at football, and being there in person made it so much more immediate. We were sitting next to a man and his son who were big fans and who had been to many games over the years. Every touchdown was prime opportunity for high fives with all of the people around us, even if we had never met them. This was probably my favorite live sporting event that I've attended. Hubbs and I also go to hockey games, but football beats all. I'm pretty sure I hurt my voice from all of the screaming and cheering and I do not regret it. If you ever have the chance to attend a live game, even if it isn't your team (I'm a 49ers girl, myself), DO IT. We were stuck in traffic to and from the game, but it was so worth the time.
Now we're home, catching up on Hulu like exciting married folks while I enjoy my egg nog (the real stuff). I'm thinking ahead to this week and feeling both dread and excitement. Perhaps I should elaborate? On Thursday I reported for jury duty (yay for being a registered voter) and was selected to sit for a case. I originally convinced myself that the courts evilly chose me because I was an hour late checking in and they wanted to reap vengeance, but Hubbs pointed out that it's likely because I don't have a whole lot of prejudices and I seem like a fair person. Whichever reason, I've been trying to be honored to be chosen to perform my civic duty. I'm also trying to be excited to spend some time away from work, but I find it hard to detach myself at this busy time in the office. I'm hoping the trial resolves mid-week, but the judge promised to have it over on Friday or sooner so I can't complain too much. Unfortunately, I can't elaborate on the case right now, but I think I'll have some interesting stories after it closes. Perhaps another blog post will be in order. Or a short play about the jurors. Regardless, I'm certain there will be something to read, whether you like it or not.
In other news, Hubbs and I have our two year wedding anniversary on Sunday! I can hardly believe it has been two years with him. I can honestly say that marrying him was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm so thankful that God directed me to him (even if it did take a while for me to realize it). :) We are going to go to Disneyland as our anniversary/Christmas present to each other and I'm pumped! I'm sure I'll have some awesome/embarrassing story about that, too. Until then, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
Below is a candid shot from our wedding day, taken by the amazing Christian Kaysen. :)
Friday night Hubbs and I went to see a Christmas play at our undergrad. We got free tickets because I had made a ridiculous hat for one of the costumes. For the first time, neither of us knew any of the students in the show. We had fun enjoying the Christmassy feelings and re-connecting with the director and another friend who had worked on the show.
Saturday, Hubbs and I went into the LA area to visit family and to see a PWG show. For those of you who are blissfully unaware, PWG stands for Pro-Wrestling Guerilla. PWG is like WWE, but smaller and with less big stars. The great thing about PWG is that the matches are all very high-energy. PWG shows are generally held in smaller venues than the larger wrestling promotions so we found ourselves about ten feet from the action at times. I might also mention that PWG is not for the faint of heart. These guys get seriously injured and go flying into the crowd from time to time. The fans take great joy in that. One other thing I've noticed about wrestling fans is their love of chanting. They often like to encourage or dis the guys wrestling, or they chant the catch phrases of the wrestlers. One wrestler (Steen) has the catch phrase of "Kill, Steen, Kill." He was seen hugging another wrestler and Hubbs started up the rather popular new chant of "Hug, Steen, Hug." Later in the night, I decided to try my luck on originating a chant for the last match. Another fan was heckling one of the tag teams and I hollered, "That's Not Nice! That's Not Nice! That's Not Ni......" before I decided it was wiser to be silent than to chant. I was drawing unnecessary attention from the wrestlers and fans surrounding me. Thus died the small spark of creation in my soul that night. The event went quite late into the night and I was fully thankful to stumble into bed once we got home.
Today we woke up and got on the road to San Diego for a Chargers game. A buddy of ours had won the tickets at his work but was unable to attend, so we got them! We were seated on the Plaza level, almost behind the goalposts of an end zone. Hubbs and I take great joy in yelling at football, and being there in person made it so much more immediate. We were sitting next to a man and his son who were big fans and who had been to many games over the years. Every touchdown was prime opportunity for high fives with all of the people around us, even if we had never met them. This was probably my favorite live sporting event that I've attended. Hubbs and I also go to hockey games, but football beats all. I'm pretty sure I hurt my voice from all of the screaming and cheering and I do not regret it. If you ever have the chance to attend a live game, even if it isn't your team (I'm a 49ers girl, myself), DO IT. We were stuck in traffic to and from the game, but it was so worth the time.
Now we're home, catching up on Hulu like exciting married folks while I enjoy my egg nog (the real stuff). I'm thinking ahead to this week and feeling both dread and excitement. Perhaps I should elaborate? On Thursday I reported for jury duty (yay for being a registered voter) and was selected to sit for a case. I originally convinced myself that the courts evilly chose me because I was an hour late checking in and they wanted to reap vengeance, but Hubbs pointed out that it's likely because I don't have a whole lot of prejudices and I seem like a fair person. Whichever reason, I've been trying to be honored to be chosen to perform my civic duty. I'm also trying to be excited to spend some time away from work, but I find it hard to detach myself at this busy time in the office. I'm hoping the trial resolves mid-week, but the judge promised to have it over on Friday or sooner so I can't complain too much. Unfortunately, I can't elaborate on the case right now, but I think I'll have some interesting stories after it closes. Perhaps another blog post will be in order. Or a short play about the jurors. Regardless, I'm certain there will be something to read, whether you like it or not.
In other news, Hubbs and I have our two year wedding anniversary on Sunday! I can hardly believe it has been two years with him. I can honestly say that marrying him was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm so thankful that God directed me to him (even if it did take a while for me to realize it). :) We are going to go to Disneyland as our anniversary/Christmas present to each other and I'm pumped! I'm sure I'll have some awesome/embarrassing story about that, too. Until then, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
Below is a candid shot from our wedding day, taken by the amazing Christian Kaysen. :)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Pretty Much Famous
I met someone famous. That makes me pretty much famous, right?
Let's start at the very beginning... a very good place to start...
Hubbs has been back in town for a couple of weeks now (hurray!). I flew to Vegas to move him home and had a great time with him. Also, the same lady who sold me my shuttle fare the first time I flew into Vegas was at the window when I purchased my shuttle fare this time. However, she had upgraded to reading a book while taking my money instead of doing her make-up. :) This really has nothing to do with me being pretty much famous. So, I'll stop being distracted by it and move onward.
Hubbs writes for a popular pro-wrestling website, so when The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity was coming to The Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles he was granted two (count 'em, two!) press passes for opening night! If you've never been to The Geffen, you should Google it. It is gorgeous and feels warm and intimate. I still have fantasies of working there as an actor.
We arrived at The Geffen and the complimentary valet whisked away our Scion. We picked up our tickets from the Media table (so legit) and headed into the courtyard where a live instrumental band was playing. A server walked by with a tray of wine and we enjoyed a good glass of cabernet. We meandered around the property and eventually ended up in a side room where a winery was offering more free glasses of wine (which were delicious and local) and succulent appetizers. We mingled a bit, spotted some famous wrestlers from WWE and TNA, and eventually made our way inside the theatre space.
This is where it gets good.
Hubbs noticed John Morrison, who just happens to be one of my favorite wrestlers because of his high-flying style, sitting two rows behind us. EEEEEKKK!! I kinda geeked out, wanting to introduce myself and being too embarrased. So I remained silent with the understanding that I'd have a chance to see Mr. Morrison during intermission. Which I did. Imagine me saying the following in a voice that sounds like a twelve year old girl's voice:
Me: "Excuse me, John Morrison? John Morrison?"
JM: "Hi."
Me: "I just wanted to tell you that I think you are awesome and I really appreciate what you do and I don't want to bother you so I'll let you go and get back to your seat but I think you're awesome!"
JM: "Thank you."
He shook my hand and went back to his seat. Nice guy considering I talked a mile a minute. And no, I didn't take a picture with him. I figure that these guys hardly get any days off, so who am I to take up much of his time just because I'm a nerd?
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity ended up being a great show. And it wasn't a cheesy wrestling story. It was about race, how the American public perceives it, and about how it is exploited within entertainment. The message was a bit heavy-handed, but communicated clearly and consistently with what I've observed in my few years as a wrestling fan. The acting of the main character was lovely. He does all of the "heavy lifting" and the success of the play depends on him. He delivered. There were a few overly cartoony moments, but I think that might have been the influence of the director.
Afterward, we were invited to the opening night cast party at a swanky restaurant a few blocks away. We knew the Assistant Sound Designer so we headed over with her and her friend. They were great company and the food was delicious. And free. That's the thing I had the hardest time getting over: everything we ingested was free and wonderful! :) I'm not used to being wined and dined at a show. I'm used to putting on make-up, a wig, and a costume, only to hang it all up and schmooze over champagne with patrons, though. Now I've discovered that both sides of them can be fun. :)
Anyhow, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I should probably stop writing so that I can continue playing fetch with The Fluffy One. Adios!
Let's start at the very beginning... a very good place to start...
Hubbs has been back in town for a couple of weeks now (hurray!). I flew to Vegas to move him home and had a great time with him. Also, the same lady who sold me my shuttle fare the first time I flew into Vegas was at the window when I purchased my shuttle fare this time. However, she had upgraded to reading a book while taking my money instead of doing her make-up. :) This really has nothing to do with me being pretty much famous. So, I'll stop being distracted by it and move onward.
Hubbs writes for a popular pro-wrestling website, so when The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity was coming to The Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles he was granted two (count 'em, two!) press passes for opening night! If you've never been to The Geffen, you should Google it. It is gorgeous and feels warm and intimate. I still have fantasies of working there as an actor.
We arrived at The Geffen and the complimentary valet whisked away our Scion. We picked up our tickets from the Media table (so legit) and headed into the courtyard where a live instrumental band was playing. A server walked by with a tray of wine and we enjoyed a good glass of cabernet. We meandered around the property and eventually ended up in a side room where a winery was offering more free glasses of wine (which were delicious and local) and succulent appetizers. We mingled a bit, spotted some famous wrestlers from WWE and TNA, and eventually made our way inside the theatre space.
This is where it gets good.
Hubbs noticed John Morrison, who just happens to be one of my favorite wrestlers because of his high-flying style, sitting two rows behind us. EEEEEKKK!! I kinda geeked out, wanting to introduce myself and being too embarrased. So I remained silent with the understanding that I'd have a chance to see Mr. Morrison during intermission. Which I did. Imagine me saying the following in a voice that sounds like a twelve year old girl's voice:
Me: "Excuse me, John Morrison? John Morrison?"
JM: "Hi."
Me: "I just wanted to tell you that I think you are awesome and I really appreciate what you do and I don't want to bother you so I'll let you go and get back to your seat but I think you're awesome!"
JM: "Thank you."
He shook my hand and went back to his seat. Nice guy considering I talked a mile a minute. And no, I didn't take a picture with him. I figure that these guys hardly get any days off, so who am I to take up much of his time just because I'm a nerd?
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity ended up being a great show. And it wasn't a cheesy wrestling story. It was about race, how the American public perceives it, and about how it is exploited within entertainment. The message was a bit heavy-handed, but communicated clearly and consistently with what I've observed in my few years as a wrestling fan. The acting of the main character was lovely. He does all of the "heavy lifting" and the success of the play depends on him. He delivered. There were a few overly cartoony moments, but I think that might have been the influence of the director.
Afterward, we were invited to the opening night cast party at a swanky restaurant a few blocks away. We knew the Assistant Sound Designer so we headed over with her and her friend. They were great company and the food was delicious. And free. That's the thing I had the hardest time getting over: everything we ingested was free and wonderful! :) I'm not used to being wined and dined at a show. I'm used to putting on make-up, a wig, and a costume, only to hang it all up and schmooze over champagne with patrons, though. Now I've discovered that both sides of them can be fun. :)
Anyhow, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I should probably stop writing so that I can continue playing fetch with The Fluffy One. Adios!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Clumsy Shoe Girl
This is a story of a girl, a shoe store, and the right pair of sandals.
Girl noticed a few days ago that her "pretty" sandals were looking quite grodie and were perhaps ready to be shown to the trash can. Girl thought to herself, "This must mean I need some new sandals!"
Note: Girl lives in Southern California, so this is a valid thought.
Girl ventured to DSW after work today to see what they had on sale. As Girl entered the store, she tried desperately to not be distracted by the beautiful full-priced shoes that smiled their glittery teeth at her. She gave in a little bit and went down every single aisle, just to assure herself that she did not need any of them. She perhaps failed at this, but remembered her purpose, and strode toward the clearance rack.
Note: Girl love shoes. Girl has a weakness for shoes. Girl loves sales. Girl has a weakness for sales. See where this is going?
Girl was temporarily saddened by the fact that she had no shopping buddy to survey in regards to her sandal choices. Girl decided to take pictures of potential sandal mates on her feet and send them to her Hubbs. Her Hubbs was sweet enough to reply promptly with his (sometimes harsh) honest opinion. Girl pushed hard for sparkles and Hubbs pushed hard for not sparkles. Girl kept finding new sandals to try on, so she gave up trying to sit and try them on like a lady. Girl fought the ankle straps and strange contraptions while standing. While girl wobbled and wavered, sweating in the non-airconditioned sale area (I think they make it that way on purpose), Salesman took pity on her. Great pity. It was actually kind of pathetic. Salesman approached sweaty Girl with giant bag and said, "Miss, lots of women prefer to sit down, relax, and try on a few pairs at once. It's easier."
Girl fought the urge to reply, "But I like making this difficult. I prefer to wobble. The danger of falling down keeps me going!" And instead turned red and said, "Thanks!" as she took the bag, a stack of shoe boxes, and sat on the strange velvety seat at the end of the aisle. Salesman was maybe correct. Perhaps it was a bit easier to try on shoes and wrestle with straps while sitting down. So girl went through her stack of shoe boxes...
"This one is too small," she noted. "This one is to bad-ass," she lamented. "This one mixes black and brown!" she cried in fear and frustration. Then girl picked up the last box. "This one has zebra..." she mused. Could it be? Did girl find theglass slipper sandal in the last box she pulled? She removed one sandal from the box. It was sassy. It was cute. It had some sparkle, but not too much. She slipped the sandal on her foot, zipped it, snapped a picture on her iPhone, and sent it to her Hubbs for evaluation.
The reply came back resoundingly positive! Hubbs had texted, "I like." Girl knew this was the pair for her and as she meandered toward the counter she thought of all of the cute outfits this sandal would complete. Ahhhh, shoes...
What? You want to know what they look like? Ok, fine. If you insist. :)
Girl noticed a few days ago that her "pretty" sandals were looking quite grodie and were perhaps ready to be shown to the trash can. Girl thought to herself, "This must mean I need some new sandals!"
Note: Girl lives in Southern California, so this is a valid thought.
Girl ventured to DSW after work today to see what they had on sale. As Girl entered the store, she tried desperately to not be distracted by the beautiful full-priced shoes that smiled their glittery teeth at her. She gave in a little bit and went down every single aisle, just to assure herself that she did not need any of them. She perhaps failed at this, but remembered her purpose, and strode toward the clearance rack.
Note: Girl love shoes. Girl has a weakness for shoes. Girl loves sales. Girl has a weakness for sales. See where this is going?
Girl was temporarily saddened by the fact that she had no shopping buddy to survey in regards to her sandal choices. Girl decided to take pictures of potential sandal mates on her feet and send them to her Hubbs. Her Hubbs was sweet enough to reply promptly with his (sometimes harsh) honest opinion. Girl pushed hard for sparkles and Hubbs pushed hard for not sparkles. Girl kept finding new sandals to try on, so she gave up trying to sit and try them on like a lady. Girl fought the ankle straps and strange contraptions while standing. While girl wobbled and wavered, sweating in the non-airconditioned sale area (I think they make it that way on purpose), Salesman took pity on her. Great pity. It was actually kind of pathetic. Salesman approached sweaty Girl with giant bag and said, "Miss, lots of women prefer to sit down, relax, and try on a few pairs at once. It's easier."
Girl fought the urge to reply, "But I like making this difficult. I prefer to wobble. The danger of falling down keeps me going!" And instead turned red and said, "Thanks!" as she took the bag, a stack of shoe boxes, and sat on the strange velvety seat at the end of the aisle. Salesman was maybe correct. Perhaps it was a bit easier to try on shoes and wrestle with straps while sitting down. So girl went through her stack of shoe boxes...
"This one is too small," she noted. "This one is to bad-ass," she lamented. "This one mixes black and brown!" she cried in fear and frustration. Then girl picked up the last box. "This one has zebra..." she mused. Could it be? Did girl find the
The reply came back resoundingly positive! Hubbs had texted, "I like." Girl knew this was the pair for her and as she meandered toward the counter she thought of all of the cute outfits this sandal would complete. Ahhhh, shoes...
What? You want to know what they look like? Ok, fine. If you insist. :)
Kitten felt the need to be in the shoebox, so she made it in this picture.
Also, Girl likes how her stripey sandals match her stripey kitten. Unintentional. Promise.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Remember me? No? Oh, umm...
It has been a while.
However, I've been keeping busy with friends, sewing, work, and apartment-y stuff. So don't worry, I didn't fall off the face of the planet. :)
I'm counting the days until I see hubbs again (six, in case you are wondering) and trying to keep my hands busy. I've posted two skirts to my Etsy shop but they don't look nearly as cute on a hanger as they do on a person. I'm hoping they sell, but even if they don't, I've had fun making them and putting my special touch on them. It often astounds me how wrapped up I can get in a project. I love the challenge of taking a pattern and changing it up or trying new techniques. Who would have guessed all those years ago that I would have loved sewing and crafting so much? Well, my mom probably would... :)
Hubbs made fun of me via Twitter about naming my Etsy shop after our kitty, but to be honest... am I supposed to make up a cheesy name for it or use my own name? Heck no. So, ElliePenelope seemed sufficiently fun and quirky, which is what I hope the overall look of my shop will be once I get a few more items in there. I'm hoping to eventually have a consistent photo style, too. Baby steps, right?
I spent some time with a lovely friend today. I love how I am re-discovering these great female friendships. Even though I miss Hubbs so much, God has really turned this time into a blessing. I don't think I would have spent as much time with my lady friends this summer if it wasn't for Hubbs being out of state. Once he's back, I'm going to continue hanging out with the girls and cultivating those friendships. I think it will also make Hubbs happy to see me getting out more since I'm a bit of a homebody. :)
Well, I should probably get to making some things I bought fabric for this weekend. I've got a sofa pillow to make and (hopefully) a blouse out of a pattern I've drafted myself. If it works, I'll post pictures. Promise.
He's coming home soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a bit excited.
It has been a while.
However, I've been keeping busy with friends, sewing, work, and apartment-y stuff. So don't worry, I didn't fall off the face of the planet. :)
I'm counting the days until I see hubbs again (six, in case you are wondering) and trying to keep my hands busy. I've posted two skirts to my Etsy shop but they don't look nearly as cute on a hanger as they do on a person. I'm hoping they sell, but even if they don't, I've had fun making them and putting my special touch on them. It often astounds me how wrapped up I can get in a project. I love the challenge of taking a pattern and changing it up or trying new techniques. Who would have guessed all those years ago that I would have loved sewing and crafting so much? Well, my mom probably would... :)
Hubbs made fun of me via Twitter about naming my Etsy shop after our kitty, but to be honest... am I supposed to make up a cheesy name for it or use my own name? Heck no. So, ElliePenelope seemed sufficiently fun and quirky, which is what I hope the overall look of my shop will be once I get a few more items in there. I'm hoping to eventually have a consistent photo style, too. Baby steps, right?
I spent some time with a lovely friend today. I love how I am re-discovering these great female friendships. Even though I miss Hubbs so much, God has really turned this time into a blessing. I don't think I would have spent as much time with my lady friends this summer if it wasn't for Hubbs being out of state. Once he's back, I'm going to continue hanging out with the girls and cultivating those friendships. I think it will also make Hubbs happy to see me getting out more since I'm a bit of a homebody. :)
Well, I should probably get to making some things I bought fabric for this weekend. I've got a sofa pillow to make and (hopefully) a blouse out of a pattern I've drafted myself. If it works, I'll post pictures. Promise.
He's coming home soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a bit excited.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Why Sephora Employees Scare Me (and other stories)
I think I've finally reached the point in my life were I realize how much genetics has to do with my body type. I finally caved in and went to the mall the other day to buy some new jeans because I now have my mom's thighs. They aren't twiggy like they were when I was younger. My momma and I have many similarities, and I'm definitely thankful that I'm like her, because she is a pretty and awesome lady, but I don't think I was ready to admit that my body has started to become an adult body. Just today a lady at Loehmann's asked if I had a child. Not in a mean or offensive way, but probably out of curiosity because her little grandbaby was having fun making faces at me in line for the register (and I've got those "childbearing hips" my family likes to joke about). I'm sure she had no idea that I was in line to purchase jeans that were "easy fit" so that I wouldn't feel/look like I was poured into them. And that grandbaby was all about the high fives, which is pretty amazing considering how young she was. And when a baby offers you a high five, you must take it. That's the law. Even if they offer you ten high fives. Take them all.
Friday I went to Express at the mall to get some new jeans since they were having a sale. I tried on 8-10 pairs of jeans (no joke) and wasn't happy with any of them. Especially not with the jeggings that somehow made their way into my selection (seriously, jeggings?!). They were all too tight, even the ones I sized up. Apparently, I'm not built like an Express model. I chose the least of the 8-10 evils and purchased the pair, feeling like I was making a mistake but that I needed jeans that looked decent.
Afterwards, I went upstairs to Sephora because smelling things and looking at makeup usually boosts a foul mood (also I needed to grab some face stuff). As I was inspecting something that looked like chapstick but had the coloring of lipstick I heard a Sephora employee behind me ask, "Do you have any questions?" I didn't really turn to look at her, because I was busy investigating the product and asked, "Can I try this? Do you think this would be a good color for me?" As she responded in the affirmative I stood and looked at her and immediately questioned my question. She stood before me with bleached yellow hair, tipped in hot pink and teased within an inch of its life. Her eyeliner was, appropriately, bright yellow and pink and her lips followed the same color scheme. At least she matched, right? Long story short, the chapsticky stuff looked awful on me. However, I'm always wary of these weird looking people in Sephora. They should be there to offer advice, right? But to be honest, I don't know how valid their advice is based on the face they present. That is why they scare me. I'm worried that I'll cave and ask for advice and then somehow buy something that looks awful and never know it because people are too nice to say anything. Also, they always want to help you find more to buy. That is dangerous when there is a large and sparkling tower of OPI nail polish winking at you.
Anyhow, I found my face powder, purchased, and went home lamenting my new jeans. Which is why I went to Loehmann's today. I only tried on a few pairs of jeans (and two dresses and three tops) and came out with a winner (in price, fit, and style) with Lucky. Phew! So now I have a pair of bootcut jeans that even out my shape and actually fit nicely. I promptly returned the dumb Express jeans.
Sorry this was all about jeans and makeup. But in my defense, those were the exciting parts of my weekend so far. I was very much hoping to see my parents at Carpinteria State Beach a few hours away, but because of this Carmageddon thing I was warned to stay local and I finally listened to the advice. :(
Friday I went to Express at the mall to get some new jeans since they were having a sale. I tried on 8-10 pairs of jeans (no joke) and wasn't happy with any of them. Especially not with the jeggings that somehow made their way into my selection (seriously, jeggings?!). They were all too tight, even the ones I sized up. Apparently, I'm not built like an Express model. I chose the least of the 8-10 evils and purchased the pair, feeling like I was making a mistake but that I needed jeans that looked decent.
Afterwards, I went upstairs to Sephora because smelling things and looking at makeup usually boosts a foul mood (also I needed to grab some face stuff). As I was inspecting something that looked like chapstick but had the coloring of lipstick I heard a Sephora employee behind me ask, "Do you have any questions?" I didn't really turn to look at her, because I was busy investigating the product and asked, "Can I try this? Do you think this would be a good color for me?" As she responded in the affirmative I stood and looked at her and immediately questioned my question. She stood before me with bleached yellow hair, tipped in hot pink and teased within an inch of its life. Her eyeliner was, appropriately, bright yellow and pink and her lips followed the same color scheme. At least she matched, right? Long story short, the chapsticky stuff looked awful on me. However, I'm always wary of these weird looking people in Sephora. They should be there to offer advice, right? But to be honest, I don't know how valid their advice is based on the face they present. That is why they scare me. I'm worried that I'll cave and ask for advice and then somehow buy something that looks awful and never know it because people are too nice to say anything. Also, they always want to help you find more to buy. That is dangerous when there is a large and sparkling tower of OPI nail polish winking at you.
Anyhow, I found my face powder, purchased, and went home lamenting my new jeans. Which is why I went to Loehmann's today. I only tried on a few pairs of jeans (and two dresses and three tops) and came out with a winner (in price, fit, and style) with Lucky. Phew! So now I have a pair of bootcut jeans that even out my shape and actually fit nicely. I promptly returned the dumb Express jeans.
Sorry this was all about jeans and makeup. But in my defense, those were the exciting parts of my weekend so far. I was very much hoping to see my parents at Carpinteria State Beach a few hours away, but because of this Carmageddon thing I was warned to stay local and I finally listened to the advice. :(
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Mean Vegetable Guys and Micro Monsters
I thought I'd blog today during the commercial breaks of one of my favorite TV shows. Anyone else live vicariously through So You Think You Can Dance? Anyhow...
I spent the last few days with Hubbs in Vegas. My mom covered my flights as an early birthday present for him and I believe he was quite pleased. :) It will be a month and a half until I see him again (unless any of you want to road trip out over a weekend) but I know we'll survive.
I spent the last few days with Hubbs in Vegas. My mom covered my flights as an early birthday present for him and I believe he was quite pleased. :) It will be a month and a half until I see him again (unless any of you want to road trip out over a weekend) but I know we'll survive.
Shuttle ticket.
Once I deplaned (is that a word?) in Vegas, I headed out the airport doors. The plan was for me to take a shuttle to The Bellagio so that I could meet Hubbs after work and go home with him. So, I went in search of a shuttle. I entered into the 90 degree night and saw limos all over the place. Perplexed, I stood in one spot wondering how the heck I knew which shuttle was the right one. Apparently my lost look caused a gentleman to realize I needed help. He directed me to the shuttle kiosks and I went to purchase my fare. As I approached the only open window, I noticed a rather curvacious lady applying her makeup. I stood back, thinking I'd let her finish, when she waved her manicured paw at me, urging me forward. "Where you goin'?" She mumbled at me, around her lipgloss. "The Bellagio?" I stammered. "Six bucks." Still working at her gloss. I handed her the money, she gave me a receipt and the chip in the picture above and said "Shuttles that way," with absolutely no definite gesture. So I did what any self-respecting woman would do.
I walked to the middle of the sidewalk and looked lost.
Yet again, a gentleman helped me out. He found my shuttle and showed me to it. Thank goodness I did my hair! Otherwise I'd probably still be at the airport. :) I arrived at The Bellagio, checked my bag at the Bell Desk, and played some slots!
This is the result of $1 in a machine while waiting for Hubbs. Winning!
And five minutes later... losing.
Hubbs and I had a joyful reunion and the next day I went with him to hang out on the Strip while he worked. I took a book and a walk and then got to see O that night again. It was even more awesome.
However, a night on the Strip alone wore me out and I decided to stay home the next night. I was nice and cozy in the casita while a decent thunder storm raged outside the window. The next day was our time to really hang out, so Hubbs and I went on a mission to The Cosmopolitan to find Secret Pizza (cue mysterious music).
Hubbs and I at the Cosmopolitan. This is the prettiest, gaudiest , coolest hotel ever!
The Chandelier. The Cosmo is built around this and it must be seen to be believed.
Hubbs and I found Secret Pizza and it was worth looking for. This place isn't advertised in the least. They are hidden down a nondescript hallway and they have absolutely no name. No real menu. No design on their boxes. And all of the beautiful deliciousness of the best thin crust pizza we've ever had. I didn't take a picture because I felt that would have been against the spirit of the place. :) We also had shakes/drinks at Holsteins on the same floor. Go there, too.
Holstein's Brown Cow. Rootbeer, vanilla ice cream, Absolut Vanilla, and vanilla poprocks!
Happy Fourth! This is where we watched fireworks explode all around us!
On Monday night, after Hubbs covered RAW, we drove a few minutes from the casita to watch fireworks. See above picture, sans fireworks because I couldn't catch them. It was lovely.
Birthday chocolate cheesecake from Jean Philippe.
Hubbs wanted cheesecake instead of regular cake for his birthday. I was only too happy to comply and we got a personal cheesecake from Jean Philippe. Yum!
We also got to spend Tuesday together before I had to fly back home. Strange feeling to be flying home but to feel like you are leaving it. I suppose that is what being in love with your best friend does to you.
Suffice it to say that I am going to be counting down the months/days until I see him again.
Oh, and in regards to the title? I bought artichokes for a steal tonight and their prickles bit me through the grocery bag. This caused me to call them "mean vegetable guys" in the middle of my parking lot. They drew blood! And no veggie makes me bleed my own blood! And micro monsters? I was heating butter for the mean vegetable guys when my microwave began to flash and buzz. This scared me and I cancelled the monster activity to eat cold butter on my artichokes. Apparently the micro is working again, but I'm still feeling cautious.
The end.
For now.
Now back to my show!
P.S. Sorry if this post is awful, I'm busy paying attention to dancing. :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Oh, hey there!
I keep meaning to blog and find myself making up excuses about not having anything interesting to write about. Then again, do I usually? And do I let that stop me?
Heck no, techno.
So here I am, and here is the story of George and Neil. This is a true story, perhaps embellished a smidge for dramatic purposes. In the interest of honesty and all that jazz I'll be sure to let you know when I'mlying bedazzling.
Neil is my Toyota Corolla S. I like to say that the S is for "sexy," but it's probably for "sport" or "super" or something. Neil was named after one of my favorite playwrights whose work always makes me giggle. Neil is a good car. Neil houses me during my lunch at work when I call up the hubbs to chat. Because of our opposite schedules, lunch is sometimes the only time we can chat.
Well, today I was gabbing with hubbs about all sorts of gooey lovey dovey stuff and waxing poetic (lie, I'm not poetic) when I noticed something white moving on my left mirror. I tilted my head to examine the movement further. It was a huge, giant, scary spider with fangs (lie, not very huge, not nearly giant, and no visible fangs)! I mentioned the spider to hubbs and he dismissed it, not knowing the inherent danger I was in (lie, probably some sort of garden spider). As the spider twiddled his legs creepily, I decided to take action and rolled up my window as quickly as I could. Which is pretty much the only speed it rolls up because of the electronics. As the temperature in my car rose higher, I contemplated ways to catch and kill the beast, because on an 80 degree day, a the thought of a breeze is so tantalizing that one might become brave. Anyhow, the white spider with the long legs hid inside my mirror. Hubbs and I finished our conversation and I launched open my car door, rocketed out, and then pushed it shut again with my foot (lie? perhaps slight exaggeration since I was quick, but not that quick). Crisis averted.
Or so I thought.
Apparently Neil and the spider became fast friends and in the remaining hours of my day they decided to hang out more. I got back in my car at 5pm, shut the door, and noticed the spider. Again. Peeking his ugly little head/body out, whispering my name (lie, no whispering unless it was really quiet and I didn't hear it). So I decided to speed through the parking lot in hopes of tossing him to his death. When that didn't work I decided that I had to name my foe. I settled on George because it sounded squashable.
George hung on through the ride to get Costco gas and it was all I could do to act normal in front of the 5 million (lie, maybe twenty) people in line for gas. Again, I did the door slamming routine but to no avail. In fact, as I drove away, George climbed his invisible thread of death (not a lie, it is death for bugs) to my window. I started to panic, but managed to maintain safe driving maneuvers. George hid, cowering (lie? do spiders cower?), while I was on the freeway, but showed his vengeful face once I parked at my home. I chose a spot far from bushes in order to let George know I didn't want him to feel comfy. Then came the drama of The Car Exit.
I'm not proud of this. But the truth must be told.
I climbed over my front seats and middle thingy in a skirts and heels in order to escape out the passenger side of Neil. I just couldn't face George and I didn't see any neighbors so I acted like a ten year old girl. I can only hope that he gets the hint and leaves Neil and I alone. No room for a third passenger with us! Well, actually, we can fit five total, but no spiders allowed usually.
And that is my story. May it please be on the record that not once did I scream.
Happy Monday.
PS I get to see hubbs soon! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heck no, techno.
So here I am, and here is the story of George and Neil. This is a true story, perhaps embellished a smidge for dramatic purposes. In the interest of honesty and all that jazz I'll be sure to let you know when I'm
Neil is my Toyota Corolla S. I like to say that the S is for "sexy," but it's probably for "sport" or "super" or something. Neil was named after one of my favorite playwrights whose work always makes me giggle. Neil is a good car. Neil houses me during my lunch at work when I call up the hubbs to chat. Because of our opposite schedules, lunch is sometimes the only time we can chat.
Well, today I was gabbing with hubbs about all sorts of gooey lovey dovey stuff and waxing poetic (lie, I'm not poetic) when I noticed something white moving on my left mirror. I tilted my head to examine the movement further. It was a huge, giant, scary spider with fangs (lie, not very huge, not nearly giant, and no visible fangs)! I mentioned the spider to hubbs and he dismissed it, not knowing the inherent danger I was in (lie, probably some sort of garden spider). As the spider twiddled his legs creepily, I decided to take action and rolled up my window as quickly as I could. Which is pretty much the only speed it rolls up because of the electronics. As the temperature in my car rose higher, I contemplated ways to catch and kill the beast, because on an 80 degree day, a the thought of a breeze is so tantalizing that one might become brave. Anyhow, the white spider with the long legs hid inside my mirror. Hubbs and I finished our conversation and I launched open my car door, rocketed out, and then pushed it shut again with my foot (lie? perhaps slight exaggeration since I was quick, but not that quick). Crisis averted.
Or so I thought.
Apparently Neil and the spider became fast friends and in the remaining hours of my day they decided to hang out more. I got back in my car at 5pm, shut the door, and noticed the spider. Again. Peeking his ugly little head/body out, whispering my name (lie, no whispering unless it was really quiet and I didn't hear it). So I decided to speed through the parking lot in hopes of tossing him to his death. When that didn't work I decided that I had to name my foe. I settled on George because it sounded squashable.
George hung on through the ride to get Costco gas and it was all I could do to act normal in front of the 5 million (lie, maybe twenty) people in line for gas. Again, I did the door slamming routine but to no avail. In fact, as I drove away, George climbed his invisible thread of death (not a lie, it is death for bugs) to my window. I started to panic, but managed to maintain safe driving maneuvers. George hid, cowering (lie? do spiders cower?), while I was on the freeway, but showed his vengeful face once I parked at my home. I chose a spot far from bushes in order to let George know I didn't want him to feel comfy. Then came the drama of The Car Exit.
I'm not proud of this. But the truth must be told.
I climbed over my front seats and middle thingy in a skirts and heels in order to escape out the passenger side of Neil. I just couldn't face George and I didn't see any neighbors so I acted like a ten year old girl. I can only hope that he gets the hint and leaves Neil and I alone. No room for a third passenger with us! Well, actually, we can fit five total, but no spiders allowed usually.
And that is my story. May it please be on the record that not once did I scream.
Happy Monday.
PS I get to see hubbs soon! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Oops. Um, oops.
I was planning on going to an audition tonight. It was a last-minute decision made last night after talking to Hubbs on the phone and deciding I needed to audition again. As I was getting ready to fall asleep I checked the usual site that I watch for auditions and Oh My Gosh! there was one for today. I got all excited and fell asleep.
I woke up this morning and went to work, checked out the play (which I had never read) from the library on my lunch, and read it all through lunch. I went straight to the audition site after work, grabbing fast food so that I'd be early enough to glance at the script again. I was ready to have fun. Perhaps ready to play with a goofy character. And certainly ready to audition again! So I texted my audition buddy with the opportunity. When 6:30 rolled around, I went to the door.
It was locked.
There was a young man whom we shall call George. He didn't make eye contact but introduced himself, we exchanged niceties, and he noted that the door was locked. I agreed, seeing as how I had tried the door, and commented on how that was funny. Our conversation continued like this:
Me: Yeah, I'm surprised no one is here yet.
G: It is still early. Why are you here?
Me: I'm here for the audition.
G: Why are you here?
Me: (wondering at the repeated question) To audition.
G: What are you auditioning for?
Me: The Miss Firecracker Contest. Aren't you here to audition?
G: Nope.
Me: Oh, what are you here for, then?
G: Rehearsal. Seussical.
Me: Oh, that is pretty cool. What a fun show!
G: It's funny. That you are here for an audition tonight.
Me: Why?
G: You won't be able to rehearse for another month. We are rehearsing here.
Me: (suspicious of myself) That is funny... (start surfing the web on my iPhone)...
G: Haha. Yeah.
Me: (surfing still... until... I find the website) Oh my gosh.
G: Haha. Yeah, funny.
Me: (aghast) I'm a month early for my audition!
G: Haha. Yeah.
Me: Wow, thanks for asking me about it! I'm going to go. Home. Now. Aw, sheesh.
G: Haha. Yeah. Too early. *
Iexited stage left walked to my car, got inside, and started cracking up. First I texted my audition buddy to not come. Then I texted Hubbs. Then I called mom and we had a good laugh. I've got to say, that is the first time I've ever done that. I feel like a dummy, but at least I'm a dummy who can laugh, right?
So now I'm at home, contemplating watching WWE's Monday Night Raw (habit because of Hubbs), while cuddling a kitten. I probably won't do too much since I strained my back and right shoulder scrubbing the tub/shower last night, but I will enjoy the time to look for more auditions online! :)
*Just so you don't think the guy was rude, I'm fairly certain he was mentally handicapped, so his laughter was not so much at me, but more nervous. He was a sweetheart and reminds me of a friend I had growing up. I'm thankful he took the time to talk to me!
I woke up this morning and went to work, checked out the play (which I had never read) from the library on my lunch, and read it all through lunch. I went straight to the audition site after work, grabbing fast food so that I'd be early enough to glance at the script again. I was ready to have fun. Perhaps ready to play with a goofy character. And certainly ready to audition again! So I texted my audition buddy with the opportunity. When 6:30 rolled around, I went to the door.
It was locked.
There was a young man whom we shall call George. He didn't make eye contact but introduced himself, we exchanged niceties, and he noted that the door was locked. I agreed, seeing as how I had tried the door, and commented on how that was funny. Our conversation continued like this:
Me: Yeah, I'm surprised no one is here yet.
G: It is still early. Why are you here?
Me: I'm here for the audition.
G: Why are you here?
Me: (wondering at the repeated question) To audition.
G: What are you auditioning for?
Me: The Miss Firecracker Contest. Aren't you here to audition?
G: Nope.
Me: Oh, what are you here for, then?
G: Rehearsal. Seussical.
Me: Oh, that is pretty cool. What a fun show!
G: It's funny. That you are here for an audition tonight.
Me: Why?
G: You won't be able to rehearse for another month. We are rehearsing here.
Me: (suspicious of myself) That is funny... (start surfing the web on my iPhone)...
G: Haha. Yeah.
Me: (surfing still... until... I find the website) Oh my gosh.
G: Haha. Yeah, funny.
Me: (aghast) I'm a month early for my audition!
G: Haha. Yeah.
Me: Wow, thanks for asking me about it! I'm going to go. Home. Now. Aw, sheesh.
G: Haha. Yeah. Too early. *
So now I'm at home, contemplating watching WWE's Monday Night Raw (habit because of Hubbs), while cuddling a kitten. I probably won't do too much since I strained my back and right shoulder scrubbing the tub/shower last night, but I will enjoy the time to look for more auditions online! :)
*Just so you don't think the guy was rude, I'm fairly certain he was mentally handicapped, so his laughter was not so much at me, but more nervous. He was a sweetheart and reminds me of a friend I had growing up. I'm thankful he took the time to talk to me!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
"O" My Gosh.
Hubbs and I drove to Las Vegas last Sunday morning to get him settled for his three month internship with Cirque du Soleil on their show in the Bellagio. It is called "O" because that sounds like the french word for water, but I'm pretty sure it is called "O" because that is the shape my mouth was in almost the entire time.
Our first sublet plan for Will fell through and we spent quite a bit of time searching for a healthy replacement. However, Sunday night we halted our search to see "O" from the booth of the theatre. It was seriously one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Cirque definitely knows what it is doing with the mixture of performers and water. If you ever have the chance and the money, you need to see this. Apparently the show is at 99% capacity on a regular basis so it has been popular ever since it opened. I won't say much more because I feel like I can't do it justice without a million copyrighted pictures. Just know this: if you want to watch something powerful, graceful, beautiful, amazing, and technically challenging... this is the show for you. I am even more proud of Hubbs getting this internship now than I was before (is that possible?).
The rest of Sunday night was spent walking around Vegas (my shoes earning me a 3/4" blister on my big toe) and enjoying the flashing lights before checking into our hotel. We booked our room through hotwire.com and paid about $30 for a pretty decent place. It wasn't glamorous, but it had the bonus of being named Arizona Charlie's. Yep. Arizona. I double-checked with Hubbs that we hadn't left the greatdesert state of Nevada. We're still not sure why the place is called Arizona Charlie's but hey, beggars can't be choosers, right?
Monday we found a good little place for Hubbs to stay for his Vegas time just down the street from a friend. We visited a Costco and a few of the other important places that he needed to go and then headed to the strip again. Can I just say that Vegas is HOT? I can see why their malls are indoors now. We walked around outside and inside and ate some food. The whole time I felt nervous because I knew I had to leave him there soon. We didn't even do any of the Vegas slots or anything because we just wanted to hang out together.
I'm not going to dwell on my feelings in this post because, to be honest, I feel like they aren't justified enough. There are women whose husbands get shipped off to Iraq (or any number of dangerous places) and here I'm crying about a lousy four-hour drive? I feel foolish, but I still feel. Does that make sense?
Enough of that.
I flew home safely. I greeted an angry kitty who yelled at me until I fell asleep. I went to work the rest of the week. That's how things work.
I've noticed that there are a few distinct disadvantages to not having my Hubbs around (besides missing him like crazy). Hubbs always made the coffee in the morning and now I have to. Hubbs makes the bed warmer faster, which I am a fan of. Hubbs holds the kitten in a special way that she now misses and I have to do it to stop her from crying now. Hubbs is strong and can open things (jars) or lift things (30 lb cat litter) that I struggle with. Hubbs is fun to look at because he is handsome. Hubbs likes doing fun things while I'm a bit of a homebody. Hubbs is funny and also laughs at my jokes. The Fluffy One is not so good at that. Hubbs will sing with me on car rides. I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Hubbs just makes my quality of life better. :)
I get to see Hubbs again in 20 days, 3 hours, and 45 minutes or so! I've already caught myself trying to plan what to pack. I know it is silly, but that is how very excited I am to see my best friend and husband again. To hug him and hear him sleeping next to me. :) Many thanks to my awesome Momma who gave him a visit from me for his birthday!
Maybe tomorrow I will blog about the awesome symphony I went to with my brother and friends last night. In case I don't, here is the breakdown: The Great Gatsby, Gershwin, and Rachmaninoff. Yep. Brilliant.
Au revoir!
I love him.
This is how she tried to keep us from leaving. By sitting on or in our luggage.
Our first sublet plan for Will fell through and we spent quite a bit of time searching for a healthy replacement. However, Sunday night we halted our search to see "O" from the booth of the theatre. It was seriously one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Cirque definitely knows what it is doing with the mixture of performers and water. If you ever have the chance and the money, you need to see this. Apparently the show is at 99% capacity on a regular basis so it has been popular ever since it opened. I won't say much more because I feel like I can't do it justice without a million copyrighted pictures. Just know this: if you want to watch something powerful, graceful, beautiful, amazing, and technically challenging... this is the show for you. I am even more proud of Hubbs getting this internship now than I was before (is that possible?).
Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake that we shared. :) Delicious.
Me in the vintage dress that inspired my current healthy lifestyle.
The rest of Sunday night was spent walking around Vegas (my shoes earning me a 3/4" blister on my big toe) and enjoying the flashing lights before checking into our hotel. We booked our room through hotwire.com and paid about $30 for a pretty decent place. It wasn't glamorous, but it had the bonus of being named Arizona Charlie's. Yep. Arizona. I double-checked with Hubbs that we hadn't left the great
Monday we found a good little place for Hubbs to stay for his Vegas time just down the street from a friend. We visited a Costco and a few of the other important places that he needed to go and then headed to the strip again. Can I just say that Vegas is HOT? I can see why their malls are indoors now. We walked around outside and inside and ate some food. The whole time I felt nervous because I knew I had to leave him there soon. We didn't even do any of the Vegas slots or anything because we just wanted to hang out together.
I'm not going to dwell on my feelings in this post because, to be honest, I feel like they aren't justified enough. There are women whose husbands get shipped off to Iraq (or any number of dangerous places) and here I'm crying about a lousy four-hour drive? I feel foolish, but I still feel. Does that make sense?
Enough of that.
I flew home safely. I greeted an angry kitty who yelled at me until I fell asleep. I went to work the rest of the week. That's how things work.
I've noticed that there are a few distinct disadvantages to not having my Hubbs around (besides missing him like crazy). Hubbs always made the coffee in the morning and now I have to. Hubbs makes the bed warmer faster, which I am a fan of. Hubbs holds the kitten in a special way that she now misses and I have to do it to stop her from crying now. Hubbs is strong and can open things (jars) or lift things (30 lb cat litter) that I struggle with. Hubbs is fun to look at because he is handsome. Hubbs likes doing fun things while I'm a bit of a homebody. Hubbs is funny and also laughs at my jokes. The Fluffy One is not so good at that. Hubbs will sing with me on car rides. I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Hubbs just makes my quality of life better. :)
I get to see Hubbs again in 20 days, 3 hours, and 45 minutes or so! I've already caught myself trying to plan what to pack. I know it is silly, but that is how very excited I am to see my best friend and husband again. To hug him and hear him sleeping next to me. :) Many thanks to my awesome Momma who gave him a visit from me for his birthday!
Maybe tomorrow I will blog about the awesome symphony I went to with my brother and friends last night. In case I don't, here is the breakdown: The Great Gatsby, Gershwin, and Rachmaninoff. Yep. Brilliant.
Au revoir!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Running is Evil
I went for a run today.
This temporary insanity was spurred by the fact that an adorable vintage dress that fit me on Monday barely zipped up on Tuesday. And by "barely zipped up" I mean I lost some of my skin to the zipper of the dress and made painful faces. Poor hubbs had to endure them. This is the dress, an adorable late '40s or early '50s bundle of cuteness.
I would have gone for a run last night but by the time I was in and out of the dress it was too late. And I think hubbs would have laughed at me. Before I fell asleep I resolved to myself that I would begin running multiple times per week and eating healthy.
I spoke with a friend at work today who recommended that I start with 15 minutes of running and build up to 30. Doesn't sound like long until your chest is burning, your lungs are bursting, and you have a strange cramp in the arch of your left foot. And all of the music on your current playlist is in Spanish. Also, I might not have run the whole entire time. I might have done spurts of power walking.
(PS How humiliating is exercising in public? All that huffing and puffing and sweating... Where's the Big Bad Wolf? Oh wait, it's just that little blond girl jogging by...)
I've never really been a fan of that whole running phenomenon that seems to have hit the youth who live around me. It seems to me that running was created for getting somewhere fast or getting away from a threat like a charging T-Rex. I suppose my threat could be the extra marriage weight, cholesterol, or heart problems, but right now running makes me feel like I'm going to die instead of like I'm going to fight death. Go figure. Oh... figure. Punny. Not intentional, I promise.
I'm going to try to continue this whole exercise thing in the hope that I do it often enough to delude myself into thinking that I actually like it. I used to play tennis in high school and I really enjoyed that. I also took dance lessons and delighted in those. Somewhere along the line I got a degree and a desk job and lost my oomph. For those of you who don't know, Kristi's Official Dictionary sometimes defines "oomph" as "the irrational willingness to exert oneself physically, not to save one's life, but for enjoyment." Sometimes "oomph" is alternately defined as "the noise a Kristi makes when she falls." So if you were confused at first I can understand why.
And can I insert a disclaimer here? I understand that weight gain can be natural and sometimes healthy. However, I find myself noticing that what I do or do not do in regards to food and exercise is affecting my physical shape. I could do with being healthy and toned. Notice that I did not say skinny. Ok?
Don't hate me for this post. No haters here unless you want to post about how you also hate running. I would like to encourage that type of hate. Well, not really, but it would make me feel like less of a fluffy wimp.
Anyhow, perhaps while hubbs is in Vegas I will get into shape and eat well. That sounds like something I should do. Maybe I even want to do it? Gasp! We shall see.
Is anyone else feeling this way? Is this an age thing? A female thing? A "change is coming in my life and I'm working on dealing with it" thing? Sheesh. I need to go cuddle a kitten.
See you later!
This temporary insanity was spurred by the fact that an adorable vintage dress that fit me on Monday barely zipped up on Tuesday. And by "barely zipped up" I mean I lost some of my skin to the zipper of the dress and made painful faces. Poor hubbs had to endure them. This is the dress, an adorable late '40s or early '50s bundle of cuteness.
I would have gone for a run last night but by the time I was in and out of the dress it was too late. And I think hubbs would have laughed at me. Before I fell asleep I resolved to myself that I would begin running multiple times per week and eating healthy.
I spoke with a friend at work today who recommended that I start with 15 minutes of running and build up to 30. Doesn't sound like long until your chest is burning, your lungs are bursting, and you have a strange cramp in the arch of your left foot. And all of the music on your current playlist is in Spanish. Also, I might not have run the whole entire time. I might have done spurts of power walking.
(PS How humiliating is exercising in public? All that huffing and puffing and sweating... Where's the Big Bad Wolf? Oh wait, it's just that little blond girl jogging by...)
I've never really been a fan of that whole running phenomenon that seems to have hit the youth who live around me. It seems to me that running was created for getting somewhere fast or getting away from a threat like a charging T-Rex. I suppose my threat could be the extra marriage weight, cholesterol, or heart problems, but right now running makes me feel like I'm going to die instead of like I'm going to fight death. Go figure. Oh... figure. Punny. Not intentional, I promise.
I'm going to try to continue this whole exercise thing in the hope that I do it often enough to delude myself into thinking that I actually like it. I used to play tennis in high school and I really enjoyed that. I also took dance lessons and delighted in those. Somewhere along the line I got a degree and a desk job and lost my oomph. For those of you who don't know, Kristi's Official Dictionary sometimes defines "oomph" as "the irrational willingness to exert oneself physically, not to save one's life, but for enjoyment." Sometimes "oomph" is alternately defined as "the noise a Kristi makes when she falls." So if you were confused at first I can understand why.
And can I insert a disclaimer here? I understand that weight gain can be natural and sometimes healthy. However, I find myself noticing that what I do or do not do in regards to food and exercise is affecting my physical shape. I could do with being healthy and toned. Notice that I did not say skinny. Ok?
Don't hate me for this post. No haters here unless you want to post about how you also hate running. I would like to encourage that type of hate. Well, not really, but it would make me feel like less of a fluffy wimp.
Anyhow, perhaps while hubbs is in Vegas I will get into shape and eat well. That sounds like something I should do. Maybe I even want to do it? Gasp! We shall see.
Is anyone else feeling this way? Is this an age thing? A female thing? A "change is coming in my life and I'm working on dealing with it" thing? Sheesh. I need to go cuddle a kitten.
See you later!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Deliciousness is my Middle Name
It's not, because that would be weird and my mom's sanity would be in question. In fact, my middle name is Anamarie (in case you needed to know). However... I DID bake a delicious pie today from scratch mostly from scratch. I would like to share my victorious conquest with all of you in hopes of inspiring you to bake your own deliciousness!
I googled many recipes before settling on the one I found. Mostly because the statistics showed the recipe to be quite simple and hard to ruin. It's called "Grandma Ople's Apple Pie" but I shall call it "The Deliciousness Gracing Our Tastebuds." Or just "Apple Pie." That's catchy. Check it out!
1 pie crust (I used Pillsbury pre-made, comes in packages of two and you will need both)
1/2 c unsalted butter (yes, THAT much)
3 tbsp flour
1/4 c water (minus one tsp)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c white sugar
1/2 c brown sugar, packed (I used light brown for aesthetic reasons)
8 Granny Smith apples, peeled and cored (not sure how many it actually took)
Cinnamon and Nutmeg
Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F.
Peel, core, and slice apples. This takes a while if you are crazy like I am and you want them thin. The thinner the apples, the more quickly they will cook though. After you've done this, leave them alone on your cutting board.
Lay your first crust into your pie pan. Most people recommend a glass pie pan, but I could only find metal at Target and it worked just fine. Don't poke holes in the crust with your fingers because it isn't doing what you want it to. Be gentle. Use soothing words.
Melt butter in saucepan on a medium-low type setting. Stir in the flour, which will thicken it just a bit. Add water, vanilla, and both sugars, mixing them in gently. No lumps here! Then add plenty of cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg, stir her up, and bring her to a boil. Then let her simmer. You can omit the spices if you'd like. They aren't a part of the original recipe, but I'm a fan so they got thrown in there.
Place apple slices in crust, making sure you really fill it up good because the fruit shrinks as it bakes. Don't be like me and try to arrange it to look pretty. No one sees the inside and you'll just end up throwing in the rest of the pieces after you realize you're wasting time.
Pour 3/4 of the hot buttery mixture on top of the apples. Start to drool.
Cut your second crust into strips about 1" wide and make a lattice on the top of your pie. If you are scared of lattices, you can leave it in one piece and cut slits or decorative shapes into the doughy crust. That is probably easier and just as good. I kinda messed up my lattice this first time, but don't look! Just make sure that there is a way for air and steam to escape.
Put your lattice or other form of crust on top, trying to pinch it to meet with the sides of your bottom crust. Then drizzle or brush remainder of buttery mixture on top. Also, don't try to eat the raw dough. It is gross.
Put the pie on a cookie sheet on the bottom rack of your oven for 15 minutes. Then turn the temp down to 350 or so and gently cover your pie with foil to prevent it from browning more. Cook for 35 more minutes or until apples are soft. Let cool on counter for at least 30 minutes.
Now eat! Yum! This recipe has been Hubbs Approved. :)
I googled many recipes before settling on the one I found. Mostly because the statistics showed the recipe to be quite simple and hard to ruin. It's called "Grandma Ople's Apple Pie" but I shall call it "The Deliciousness Gracing Our Tastebuds." Or just "Apple Pie." That's catchy. Check it out!
1 pie crust (I used Pillsbury pre-made, comes in packages of two and you will need both)
1/2 c unsalted butter (yes, THAT much)
3 tbsp flour
1/4 c water (minus one tsp)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c white sugar
1/2 c brown sugar, packed (I used light brown for aesthetic reasons)
8 Granny Smith apples, peeled and cored (not sure how many it actually took)
Cinnamon and Nutmeg
Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F.
Peel, core, and slice apples. This takes a while if you are crazy like I am and you want them thin. The thinner the apples, the more quickly they will cook though. After you've done this, leave them alone on your cutting board.
Lay your first crust into your pie pan. Most people recommend a glass pie pan, but I could only find metal at Target and it worked just fine. Don't poke holes in the crust with your fingers because it isn't doing what you want it to. Be gentle. Use soothing words.
Melt butter in saucepan on a medium-low type setting. Stir in the flour, which will thicken it just a bit. Add water, vanilla, and both sugars, mixing them in gently. No lumps here! Then add plenty of cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg, stir her up, and bring her to a boil. Then let her simmer. You can omit the spices if you'd like. They aren't a part of the original recipe, but I'm a fan so they got thrown in there.
Place apple slices in crust, making sure you really fill it up good because the fruit shrinks as it bakes. Don't be like me and try to arrange it to look pretty. No one sees the inside and you'll just end up throwing in the rest of the pieces after you realize you're wasting time.
Pour 3/4 of the hot buttery mixture on top of the apples. Start to drool.
Cut your second crust into strips about 1" wide and make a lattice on the top of your pie. If you are scared of lattices, you can leave it in one piece and cut slits or decorative shapes into the doughy crust. That is probably easier and just as good. I kinda messed up my lattice this first time, but don't look! Just make sure that there is a way for air and steam to escape.
Put your lattice or other form of crust on top, trying to pinch it to meet with the sides of your bottom crust. Then drizzle or brush remainder of buttery mixture on top. Also, don't try to eat the raw dough. It is gross.
Put the pie on a cookie sheet on the bottom rack of your oven for 15 minutes. Then turn the temp down to 350 or so and gently cover your pie with foil to prevent it from browning more. Cook for 35 more minutes or until apples are soft. Let cool on counter for at least 30 minutes.
Now eat! Yum! This recipe has been Hubbs Approved. :)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Making a List
Hubbs leaves for his Vegas internship in 11 days and counting. I'm so excited for him and for what he will be experiencing. I can't help but be a bit jealous and proud at the same time. He's just so good at what he does!
I was talking/texting with a dear friend a short while back about how to make the time pass faster with my best friend in another state for three months. She suggested that I make a list of things to do that he wouldn't necessarily be keen on. I thought that perhaps I could post the beginnings of my list here and just add to it as the summer goes on or as I think of new things. Here goes...
1. Watch Dirty Dancing frequently. This is my favorite live action movie and hubbs actually refuses to watch it. Perhaps because of my crush on Patrick S. I can't help it.
2. Watch any movies on our giant DVD shelf that I've never seen. There are at least three: Capote, First Knight, and Airplane.
3. Watch all of my seasons of Pushing Daisies again. Such a good show!!!
4. Sew another dress from a vintage 1950s pattern.
5. Craft an apothocary chest into something I can use as a jewelry box.
6. Have my mom come visit me. Hubbs totally enjoys her so this doesn't follow all of the rules, but this is something I'm looking forward to this summer. I'm sure The Fluffy One will enjoy having another cuddlevictim buddy.
7. Yoga. Do it.
I'm not sure what else will show up on this list. Maybe a lot of window shopping (Anthro, anyone?) and craft nights with the girls. I'm sure I'll be counting down the days until I get to see him each month, so perhaps some paper chain action, too. I love a good paper chain. I made one two or three months before our wedding and it was so fun ripping another link off of it every day and watching the chain grow smaller and smaller. :) Can you tell I'm a goals and list type?
Well, perhaps it is time to get ready for bed... I took a "short nap" this evening that turned into a 1.5 hour nap so I think I'm probably needing to put some more sleeping in my repertoire. Such is life. Good night, folks!
I was talking/texting with a dear friend a short while back about how to make the time pass faster with my best friend in another state for three months. She suggested that I make a list of things to do that he wouldn't necessarily be keen on. I thought that perhaps I could post the beginnings of my list here and just add to it as the summer goes on or as I think of new things. Here goes...
1. Watch Dirty Dancing frequently. This is my favorite live action movie and hubbs actually refuses to watch it. Perhaps because of my crush on Patrick S. I can't help it.
2. Watch any movies on our giant DVD shelf that I've never seen. There are at least three: Capote, First Knight, and Airplane.
3. Watch all of my seasons of Pushing Daisies again. Such a good show!!!
4. Sew another dress from a vintage 1950s pattern.
5. Craft an apothocary chest into something I can use as a jewelry box.
6. Have my mom come visit me. Hubbs totally enjoys her so this doesn't follow all of the rules, but this is something I'm looking forward to this summer. I'm sure The Fluffy One will enjoy having another cuddle
7. Yoga. Do it.
I'm not sure what else will show up on this list. Maybe a lot of window shopping (Anthro, anyone?) and craft nights with the girls. I'm sure I'll be counting down the days until I get to see him each month, so perhaps some paper chain action, too. I love a good paper chain. I made one two or three months before our wedding and it was so fun ripping another link off of it every day and watching the chain grow smaller and smaller. :) Can you tell I'm a goals and list type?
Well, perhaps it is time to get ready for bed... I took a "short nap" this evening that turned into a 1.5 hour nap so I think I'm probably needing to put some more sleeping in my repertoire. Such is life. Good night, folks!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Being a Hater
Yeah, that's right. I'm a hater. I hate detours (you know, the on-the-road-with-a-flaming-orange-sign type that can totally throw you for a loop). Let me explain what brought this on...
I was on my way to an audition and I had advanced warning that there would be detours. So I left super early and was ready to kick some detour butt. Now, please understand while reading this entry that I have an AWFUL sense of direction. I digress... So. I'm driving to Long Beach and I get to all of those glowy signs inviting me to take a different road because my usual exit is under construction. For a year. Who does that? Again, digressing... I follow the orange signs, thinking I'll be just fine, just follow the arrows. Well, apparently I followed the wrong arrows. I drove in loops and circles while my GPS hollered at me. I yelled back, telling it that I knew what I was doing, but Mr. GPS totally called my bluff. After about ten minutes of aimless detouring (and an extra freeway I didn't need to be on) I finally started listening to Mr. GPS and ignoring the signs that were leering at me. I made it to a familiar point and continued without the help of Mr. GPS or those evil signs. I arrived at the playhouse later than my fellow actor friend who had left later than I did. Obviously there was some sort of communication breakdown between myself and the detour, otherwise he wouldn't have arrived so early.
This all leads me to conclude that I would not have survived in the olden days. I would surely have been eaten by wolves or trampled by my own oxen on the Oregon Trail. Ford the river? Sure, let's just hope it is the right one. Catch malaria? Well, too bad because there is NO way I'm leaving the trail to find a doctor and instead break a wagon wheel in the pass and have us all die. Ok, well, maybe things wouldn't go quite like that. And I would actually go find a doctor if one was available because malaria is rough. But you get the picture.
Anyhow... the audition went well. The director seems like a cool guy and I got to read three scenes for him. Two were with my actor friend. Things went pretty well for how cold of a read it was. If I got cast in this show it would be great, but they've got three nights of auditions followed by callbacks, so I'm guessing they are seeing quite a few ladies like myself. We shall see. Such is the life of an actress, right?
Aw, shoot. I just realized that I have no pictures in this post. Sorry to disappoint anyone who is visual like I am. Bummer, dudes. Adios!
PS Since my kitty got fixed she won't stop cuddling me. Has anyone else experienced this neediness from their kitties post-surgery? It is pretty intense.
PPS Hubbs would possibly make fun of my Post Scripts. He says that with email (and I'm supposing other digital forms of communication) that they aren't necessary because you can always add them into the body of what you've written. However, I like them. They are like little bonuses. Unless you think the content is unnecessary.
PPPS Sorry if this content is unnecessary.
I was on my way to an audition and I had advanced warning that there would be detours. So I left super early and was ready to kick some detour butt. Now, please understand while reading this entry that I have an AWFUL sense of direction. I digress... So. I'm driving to Long Beach and I get to all of those glowy signs inviting me to take a different road because my usual exit is under construction. For a year. Who does that? Again, digressing... I follow the orange signs, thinking I'll be just fine, just follow the arrows. Well, apparently I followed the wrong arrows. I drove in loops and circles while my GPS hollered at me. I yelled back, telling it that I knew what I was doing, but Mr. GPS totally called my bluff. After about ten minutes of aimless detouring (and an extra freeway I didn't need to be on) I finally started listening to Mr. GPS and ignoring the signs that were leering at me. I made it to a familiar point and continued without the help of Mr. GPS or those evil signs. I arrived at the playhouse later than my fellow actor friend who had left later than I did. Obviously there was some sort of communication breakdown between myself and the detour, otherwise he wouldn't have arrived so early.
This all leads me to conclude that I would not have survived in the olden days. I would surely have been eaten by wolves or trampled by my own oxen on the Oregon Trail. Ford the river? Sure, let's just hope it is the right one. Catch malaria? Well, too bad because there is NO way I'm leaving the trail to find a doctor and instead break a wagon wheel in the pass and have us all die. Ok, well, maybe things wouldn't go quite like that. And I would actually go find a doctor if one was available because malaria is rough. But you get the picture.
Anyhow... the audition went well. The director seems like a cool guy and I got to read three scenes for him. Two were with my actor friend. Things went pretty well for how cold of a read it was. If I got cast in this show it would be great, but they've got three nights of auditions followed by callbacks, so I'm guessing they are seeing quite a few ladies like myself. We shall see. Such is the life of an actress, right?
Aw, shoot. I just realized that I have no pictures in this post. Sorry to disappoint anyone who is visual like I am. Bummer, dudes. Adios!
PS Since my kitty got fixed she won't stop cuddling me. Has anyone else experienced this neediness from their kitties post-surgery? It is pretty intense.
PPS Hubbs would possibly make fun of my Post Scripts. He says that with email (and I'm supposing other digital forms of communication) that they aren't necessary because you can always add them into the body of what you've written. However, I like them. They are like little bonuses. Unless you think the content is unnecessary.
PPPS Sorry if this content is unnecessary.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Don't Look at Me, I'm Changing!
Or not. Sorry, you were just victim to a statistical experiment. A friend commented that the title of my last post was like saying the title of this post. So I thought I'd check the facts on that. :) Also, I couldn't think of a good title.
Saturday, I went to a awesomely fanciful Bridal Shower Tea Party for my friend Harmony. She is pretty awesome and I'm stoked (yes, stoked) to be in her bridal party. I love her and her fiance and it has been a joy seeing them grow together. But I'm sure you're way more interested in what I wore, right? Ok, maybe not, but I don't have pictures of them and I do have pictures of the pieces of my ensemble.
Sunday, I spent cherished hours with hubbs. He'll be in crazy long rehearsals soon and then leaves for Vegas and O as soon as he closes his current show, so I'm soaking up whatever I can get. We skipped church in favor of sleep and time together and then headed out to a Beer Brunch. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but it was quite pleasant and my coffee cake was a hit. That's what happens when you bake things like your mom does. :) We did other things that day, but today is Wednesday and my brain is already looking ahead to the weekend.
Tomorrow morning I take The Fluffy One in to get spayed. Am I crazy for being nervous for her? She's been extra cuddly tonight, probably because she senses doom. Good bye, lady parts... Hello, weight gain. If I'm this careful about a kitty, goodness knows how I'll be when I have children. Hopefully we've got a few years yet until we test that.
And now for my real story...
My car has a moon roof. Lately I've been keeping it open on my drive home from work because the weather has been lovely. I ALWAYS remember to close it when I park at my apartment. Always. Well, last night it rained. And it just so happened that last night I forgot to close my moon roof.
Kristi Fail Number One.
When I walked out to my car in the morning I found about 1/4" of rain in my cup holders. Once I had assessed the damage (not much) I started cracking up as I brought a blanket from my trunk. The thought was to lay the blanket on the seat to protect myself from moisture. Which worked. But the blanket also dumped the sweet Southern California beach sand on my seat.
Kristi Fail Number Two.
I got to work, waited until the sun came out, and rolled down some windows. I had joked with one of the ladies I work with that the "scene" that morning was like the montage of the beginning of a movie character's awful day. Luckily there is no Kristi Fail Number Three here. The warm sun soaked up the water and so far my car smells fine. The moral of the story is: don't leave your moon roof open. What? Was that too obvious? Well, bummer.
Good night and good luck.
Saturday, I went to a awesomely fanciful Bridal Shower Tea Party for my friend Harmony. She is pretty awesome and I'm stoked (yes, stoked) to be in her bridal party. I love her and her fiance and it has been a joy seeing them grow together. But I'm sure you're way more interested in what I wore, right? Ok, maybe not, but I don't have pictures of them and I do have pictures of the pieces of my ensemble.
Hat, side view. I made this.
Hat, in action.
Green BB Dakota dress, gold heels, pearls.
Sunday, I spent cherished hours with hubbs. He'll be in crazy long rehearsals soon and then leaves for Vegas and O as soon as he closes his current show, so I'm soaking up whatever I can get. We skipped church in favor of sleep and time together and then headed out to a Beer Brunch. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but it was quite pleasant and my coffee cake was a hit. That's what happens when you bake things like your mom does. :) We did other things that day, but today is Wednesday and my brain is already looking ahead to the weekend.
I made a pinwheel!
Tomorrow morning I take The Fluffy One in to get spayed. Am I crazy for being nervous for her? She's been extra cuddly tonight, probably because she senses doom. Good bye, lady parts... Hello, weight gain. If I'm this careful about a kitty, goodness knows how I'll be when I have children. Hopefully we've got a few years yet until we test that.
And now for my real story...
My car has a moon roof. Lately I've been keeping it open on my drive home from work because the weather has been lovely. I ALWAYS remember to close it when I park at my apartment. Always. Well, last night it rained. And it just so happened that last night I forgot to close my moon roof.
Kristi Fail Number One.
When I walked out to my car in the morning I found about 1/4" of rain in my cup holders. Once I had assessed the damage (not much) I started cracking up as I brought a blanket from my trunk. The thought was to lay the blanket on the seat to protect myself from moisture. Which worked. But the blanket also dumped the sweet Southern California beach sand on my seat.
Kristi Fail Number Two.
I got to work, waited until the sun came out, and rolled down some windows. I had joked with one of the ladies I work with that the "scene" that morning was like the montage of the beginning of a movie character's awful day. Luckily there is no Kristi Fail Number Three here. The warm sun soaked up the water and so far my car smells fine. The moral of the story is: don't leave your moon roof open. What? Was that too obvious? Well, bummer.
Good night and good luck.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Who do you think you are?
Hubbs and I were talking about personality types the other day. I had done one particular type of test when I was an RA in college, then another one at work. Hubbs had recently taken a personality test, and wanted to compare results. However, I couldn't remember my results so, I googled and took a new test!
This is part of the compulsive researcher in me. The flames are fed by the speed of the internet. :)
I took a few short tests (found on this site) that give you the four letter profile for Keirsey's Temperament Sorter and consistently received the same results: ISFJ. The crazy thing is that this is dead on. Check out my ISFJ summary here if you're interested.
This is where you'll want to stop reading if you clicked on my blog for entertainment.
You can't say I didn't warn you. :)
As I was reading my results tonight, I kept noticing the little things that have been working me up lately. This is by no means a rant post, but I've been feeling indignant about the way people I care about have been treated. If you're snazzy and you've read my summary, you'll note that ISFJs are hardworking and loyal (sometimes to a fault on both accounts). We are also traditional in our values and develop close friendships. Sometimes it is even hard for us to share our raw feelings with those outside our very close circles. I think this is why I feel for people so often, because I know how hard it can be to share.
Sidenote: I'm not some sort of crazy socially-isolated person. Please know that. I just enjoy some privacy from time to time. :)
Anyway, all of this specific thought is translated into vague blogging (because the freedom of the internet encourages me to censor myself) which pushes me to question what I believe about people, boundaries, and right and wrong.
I tend to believe that people are good.
I tend to believe that boundaries will remain safely in place.
And I tend to believe that right will prevail.
But people are not always good.
Boundaries are often broken.
And sometimes the villains keep winning.
Some would call that injustice. Although who are we to determine justice when we live by the grace of God?
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. That Bible verse has been cemented in my brain and my heart for many years and has just more recently made a lot more practical sense. This, too, raises more questions for me, though! To what extent to we let God just do things and when do we determine that we need to take action? I know prayer is action, so don't try correcting me on that, but I mean saying and doing things that might be difficult or dangerous; hoping that your efforts will be of some help to someone. At the same time, when we want to take action, we need to consider the feelings of others. All of this makes protecting people more complicated than the traditional ideas with which we are raised.
I suppose I'm raising more questions than answers. I have half a mind to delete this post, but if you read my blog I may owe it to you to allow you to see another facet of me. Although, if you DO read my blog, you're probably my friend and you know some of what I've expressed already. :)
Sorry if this theological quandary wasn't what you were expecting or seeking as entertainment. I promise my entries aren't all like this. I suppose I'll just close out with these lyrics to one of my favorite hymns.
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
If you've got thoughts, ideas, opinions, or a personality to share... I'd love to hear it!
This is part of the compulsive researcher in me. The flames are fed by the speed of the internet. :)
I took a few short tests (found on this site) that give you the four letter profile for Keirsey's Temperament Sorter and consistently received the same results: ISFJ. The crazy thing is that this is dead on. Check out my ISFJ summary here if you're interested.
This is where you'll want to stop reading if you clicked on my blog for entertainment.
You can't say I didn't warn you. :)
As I was reading my results tonight, I kept noticing the little things that have been working me up lately. This is by no means a rant post, but I've been feeling indignant about the way people I care about have been treated. If you're snazzy and you've read my summary, you'll note that ISFJs are hardworking and loyal (sometimes to a fault on both accounts). We are also traditional in our values and develop close friendships. Sometimes it is even hard for us to share our raw feelings with those outside our very close circles. I think this is why I feel for people so often, because I know how hard it can be to share.
Sidenote: I'm not some sort of crazy socially-isolated person. Please know that. I just enjoy some privacy from time to time. :)
Anyway, all of this specific thought is translated into vague blogging (because the freedom of the internet encourages me to censor myself) which pushes me to question what I believe about people, boundaries, and right and wrong.
I tend to believe that people are good.
I tend to believe that boundaries will remain safely in place.
And I tend to believe that right will prevail.
But people are not always good.
Boundaries are often broken.
And sometimes the villains keep winning.
Some would call that injustice. Although who are we to determine justice when we live by the grace of God?
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. That Bible verse has been cemented in my brain and my heart for many years and has just more recently made a lot more practical sense. This, too, raises more questions for me, though! To what extent to we let God just do things and when do we determine that we need to take action? I know prayer is action, so don't try correcting me on that, but I mean saying and doing things that might be difficult or dangerous; hoping that your efforts will be of some help to someone. At the same time, when we want to take action, we need to consider the feelings of others. All of this makes protecting people more complicated than the traditional ideas with which we are raised.
I suppose I'm raising more questions than answers. I have half a mind to delete this post, but if you read my blog I may owe it to you to allow you to see another facet of me. Although, if you DO read my blog, you're probably my friend and you know some of what I've expressed already. :)
Sorry if this theological quandary wasn't what you were expecting or seeking as entertainment. I promise my entries aren't all like this. I suppose I'll just close out with these lyrics to one of my favorite hymns.
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
A dinosaur ate my hat!
Ok, so I can't actually let the dino take the blame...
I may be chopping up a straw hat I bought years ago and then replaced with a cuter and floppier one. I'm going to a tea party in the very near future and I'm supposed to wear a "tea hat." Now, googling that term brought up quite a few vintage options.

So I did my Etsy search in case I found something buyable. But since I'm acheapskate glutton-for-punishment creative lady I thought I'd try to fashion my own. I've done something similar for the costume shop I worked in and I think my millinery skills are just itching to be used. :) Plus, I'm having a crafty night tomorrow with some lady friends and that will be a good project.
Today I discovered that I need to be more adventurous with my food choices. I've been reading a Mary Higgins Clark book that described a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato slices once or twice (or maybe my brain multiplied it?) and I had to give it a go! Sooooooooo delicious! Next time I'm adding sliced peppers and maybe some salsa. This could really escalate my already high cheese consumption, but I'll do it in the name of culinary adventure.
I've been storing up more ideas for my Etsy shop lately. So far I'm thinking felt wreaths, hair accessories, man/lady scarves, skirts, and beanies. These are all things I can make pretty well and that won't be too brutal of a cost up front. They are also things I enjoy making. And I suppose that is the trick. Make what you like and hopefully others will also. We shall see.
I may be chopping up a straw hat I bought years ago and then replaced with a cuter and floppier one. I'm going to a tea party in the very near future and I'm supposed to wear a "tea hat." Now, googling that term brought up quite a few vintage options.

Not my photo, but I'm a fan of the style and hats.
So I did my Etsy search in case I found something buyable. But since I'm a
Cut it up and cover her with flowers! The "before" shot. Obviously not my favorite hat.
I've been storing up more ideas for my Etsy shop lately. So far I'm thinking felt wreaths, hair accessories, man/lady scarves, skirts, and beanies. These are all things I can make pretty well and that won't be too brutal of a cost up front. They are also things I enjoy making. And I suppose that is the trick. Make what you like and hopefully others will also. We shall see.
Felt bow headband I made.
Kitty helper while I crochet.
Skirts we made! Bad picture, cute skirts.
Well, I guess it is time to start cleaning, cutting, and kittening. :) See you later!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I think this weekend has been one where I've noticed beauty around me. Sometimes I think we get that gift to appreciate the art and light God has put around us. I'm not one of those who waxes poetic (I don't have the skills, believe me), but this makes me think of the millions of exquisite ways we could describe the lovely world around us. A few pictures follow (not including the lion one) that illustrate my point in a slight way.
Hubbs and I went grocery shopping after a great church service today. We decided to go to Trader Joe's and I fell victim to the whiles of the flirty ranunculus. I saw one bunch in the flower buckets that would perfectly compliment our living room and walked up to hubbs with puppydog eyes. Needless to say, I got the flowers. :) I guess it didn't hurt that they were only $3.99.
Friday at work I spent some time in the Lion Mascot suit for an event our office was holding. Let me be totally honest here: gross! I originally volunteered not thinking it would be 80 degrees outside and a million degrees inside the suit. However, I got lots of high fives and silly dancing in. I'm probably six inches too short for the suit, but it was fun. The not fun and gross part was the excessive sweating I did. That is why I'll never volunteer for it again.
Friday night I spent time sewing with a friend, teaching her how to read and use a simple pattern. It was totally fun and we're going to wear what we made tomorrow to work. :) The skirts look totally different because of the prints we used, but it is fun to show off your handiwork. Pictures to be posted soon. Promise.
Yesterday, I woke up feeling awful. Apparently I have bronchitis and it is fairly difficult to sleep through the night when you are hacking. Luckily hubbs sleeps like a log so I didn't feel the need to resign myself to the couch. When hubbs got up for Saturday rehearsal, I moved to the living room and fell asleep to some sort of cake mastery programming. When hubbs got home and my nap was over we took a trip to The Spectrum, which was gorgeous, so that we could walk and shop. I found an adorable ladybug sweater that reminds me of being a little girl again, but in a good way.
That night we got to see Light in the Piazza at South Bay Cities Civic Light Opera. We got $65 tickets for free because of hubbs' connections! Too bad it wasn't that good. Don't get me wrong, the actors/vocalists were great. Light in the Piazza is almost an opera as far as style went, so I really appreciated that. But the script was awful. Talk about underdeveloped characters and conflict that doesn't follow through to its full potential. Sheesh. Overall, though, it was a good experience and I'm glad we went. It was a sweet date.
Now I'm drinking an artistic Gin and Tonic (one of my favorites) while finishing a WWE PayPerView with hubbs and our bud. We met a WWE crew member last night and I think I scored some brownie points with hubbs when I started asking him questions about his time as a crew member. Anyway, I should probably go so that I can watch the breaking news. Ciao!
Hubbs and I went grocery shopping after a great church service today. We decided to go to Trader Joe's and I fell victim to the whiles of the flirty ranunculus. I saw one bunch in the flower buckets that would perfectly compliment our living room and walked up to hubbs with puppydog eyes. Needless to say, I got the flowers. :) I guess it didn't hurt that they were only $3.99.
These colors with a purple wall? Irresistible.
We didn't have a proper vase that fit them correctly, so... Mississippi Mud bottle it is.
Friday at work I spent some time in the Lion Mascot suit for an event our office was holding. Let me be totally honest here: gross! I originally volunteered not thinking it would be 80 degrees outside and a million degrees inside the suit. However, I got lots of high fives and silly dancing in. I'm probably six inches too short for the suit, but it was fun. The not fun and gross part was the excessive sweating I did. That is why I'll never volunteer for it again.
Yep. Me.
Friday night I spent time sewing with a friend, teaching her how to read and use a simple pattern. It was totally fun and we're going to wear what we made tomorrow to work. :) The skirts look totally different because of the prints we used, but it is fun to show off your handiwork. Pictures to be posted soon. Promise.
Yesterday, I woke up feeling awful. Apparently I have bronchitis and it is fairly difficult to sleep through the night when you are hacking. Luckily hubbs sleeps like a log so I didn't feel the need to resign myself to the couch. When hubbs got up for Saturday rehearsal, I moved to the living room and fell asleep to some sort of cake mastery programming. When hubbs got home and my nap was over we took a trip to The Spectrum, which was gorgeous, so that we could walk and shop. I found an adorable ladybug sweater that reminds me of being a little girl again, but in a good way.
I know you were just waiting for a picture of the Fluffy One.
That night we got to see Light in the Piazza at South Bay Cities Civic Light Opera. We got $65 tickets for free because of hubbs' connections! Too bad it wasn't that good. Don't get me wrong, the actors/vocalists were great. Light in the Piazza is almost an opera as far as style went, so I really appreciated that. But the script was awful. Talk about underdeveloped characters and conflict that doesn't follow through to its full potential. Sheesh. Overall, though, it was a good experience and I'm glad we went. It was a sweet date.
Now I'm drinking an artistic Gin and Tonic (one of my favorites) while finishing a WWE PayPerView with hubbs and our bud. We met a WWE crew member last night and I think I scored some brownie points with hubbs when I started asking him questions about his time as a crew member. Anyway, I should probably go so that I can watch the breaking news. Ciao!
Bubbles on a lime! Delicious.
The Fluffy One,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Ball of Fire
That's the name of the movie I just turned on. Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. However, that is also how I wish my body was right now instead of Ball of Dough. I challenge anyone to make Ball of Dough into a movie. Having a naturally quick metabolism turned me complacent and now I'm realizing that I need to work to be healthy. So... hey there Yoga! My mom and I figured this was a gentle toning solution to my needs, but I'm fairly certain I'll be hurting tomorrow after my very first session tonight.
I grew up in dance lessons and also played tennis, but I think I've lost all of my endurance and most of my flexibility. I can, however, do that fancy foot thing that yoga people do. It isn't obvious in the following picture, but I was sweaty and tired, so you can just imagine.
This weekend I headed up to Carpinteria to hang out with family. I love that the second I get near the campground there, the smell makes the corners of my mouth turn up and happy memories come rushing at me. My family has camped at Carpinteria since before I was born and it is almost a member of the family. It rained the first day there, but in exchange, we got a rainbow.
For those of you who don't know my mom, she's a pretty awesome lady. I often find myself praying that I'll be half as good of a mom as she is for my brothers and I. See her on the left in the picture above. I was so glad that I got to spend some time with her and (of course) the rest of the family (not all pictured). I love them all.
Yep, she had to get in on the yoga.
This weekend I headed up to Carpinteria to hang out with family. I love that the second I get near the campground there, the smell makes the corners of my mouth turn up and happy memories come rushing at me. My family has camped at Carpinteria since before I was born and it is almost a member of the family. It rained the first day there, but in exchange, we got a rainbow.
Momma, cousin Laura, Aunt Della. Awesome ladies.
For those of you who don't know my mom, she's a pretty awesome lady. I often find myself praying that I'll be half as good of a mom as she is for my brothers and I. See her on the left in the picture above. I was so glad that I got to spend some time with her and (of course) the rest of the family (not all pictured). I love them all.
The reason I can't be a vegetarian? Steak. An essential camping food in my family.
Among the skills I boast... firebuilding. Sure, they might smoke. But where there's smoke, there's fire!
I made and brought muffins!
As you can tell, I didn't have too many words to pull the rest of the pictures together. All of the above are part of my Easter in Carpinteria. Looks good, eh?
Hubbs texted me earlier asking if I wanted a fancy cupcake when I got home from work. Who can object to that? So I told him that if he brought me a cupcake I'd give him a kiss. I also told him that cupcakes are basically the same thing as roses for me. He brought home four cupcakes. I love him.
Close-up on Red Velvet, the flavor of our wedding cake.
He's getting lots of kisses for these. Gosh, I wish I had more to say, but the longer I sit here, the more tired I get, so I should hop in the shower so I'm not smelly for when hubbs comes home from rehearsal tonight.
P.S. This movie has totally lost me. I think I'd better turn it off and try again some time when I can devote my full attentions to it. Gary Cooper is a cutie pie and I'd rather not think he's boring because I've got a short attention span.
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