Yeah, that's right. I'm a hater. I hate detours (you know, the on-the-road-with-a-flaming-orange-sign type that can totally throw you for a loop). Let me explain what brought this on...
I was on my way to an audition and I had advanced warning that there would be detours. So I left super early and was ready to kick some detour butt. Now, please understand while reading this entry that I have an AWFUL sense of direction. I digress... So. I'm driving to Long Beach and I get to all of those glowy signs inviting me to take a different road because my usual exit is under construction. For a year. Who does that? Again, digressing... I follow the orange signs, thinking I'll be just fine, just follow the arrows. Well, apparently I followed the wrong arrows. I drove in loops and circles while my GPS hollered at me. I yelled back, telling it that I knew what I was doing, but Mr. GPS totally called my bluff. After about ten minutes of aimless detouring (and an extra freeway I didn't need to be on) I finally started listening to Mr. GPS and ignoring the signs that were leering at me. I made it to a familiar point and continued without the help of Mr. GPS or those evil signs. I arrived at the playhouse later than my fellow actor friend who had left later than I did. Obviously there was some sort of communication breakdown between myself and the detour, otherwise he wouldn't have arrived so early.
This all leads me to conclude that I would not have survived in the olden days. I would surely have been eaten by wolves or trampled by my own oxen on the Oregon Trail. Ford the river? Sure, let's just hope it is the right one. Catch malaria? Well, too bad because there is NO way I'm leaving the trail to find a doctor and instead break a wagon wheel in the pass and have us all die. Ok, well, maybe things wouldn't go quite like that. And I would actually go find a doctor if one was available because malaria is rough. But you get the picture.
Anyhow... the audition went well. The director seems like a cool guy and I got to read three scenes for him. Two were with my actor friend. Things went pretty well for how cold of a read it was. If I got cast in this show it would be great, but they've got three nights of auditions followed by callbacks, so I'm guessing they are seeing quite a few ladies like myself. We shall see. Such is the life of an actress, right?
Aw, shoot. I just realized that I have no pictures in this post. Sorry to disappoint anyone who is visual like I am. Bummer, dudes. Adios!
PS Since my kitty got fixed she won't stop cuddling me. Has anyone else experienced this neediness from their kitties post-surgery? It is pretty intense.
PPS Hubbs would possibly make fun of my Post Scripts. He says that with email (and I'm supposing other digital forms of communication) that they aren't necessary because you can always add them into the body of what you've written. However, I like them. They are like little bonuses. Unless you think the content is unnecessary.
PPPS Sorry if this content is unnecessary.
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