Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Running is Evil

I went for a run today.

This temporary insanity was spurred by the fact that an adorable vintage dress that fit me on Monday barely zipped up on Tuesday. And by "barely zipped up" I mean I lost some of my skin to the zipper of the dress and made painful faces. Poor hubbs had to endure them. This is the dress, an adorable late '40s or early '50s bundle of cuteness.

I would have gone for a run last night but by the time I was in and out of the dress it was too late. And I think hubbs would have laughed at me. Before I fell asleep I resolved to myself that I would begin running multiple times per week and eating healthy.


I spoke with a friend at work today who recommended that I start with 15 minutes of running and build up to 30. Doesn't sound like long until your chest is burning, your lungs are bursting, and you have a strange cramp in the arch of your left foot. And all of the music on your current playlist is in Spanish. Also, I might not have run the whole entire time. I might have done spurts of power walking.

(PS How humiliating is exercising in public? All that huffing and puffing and sweating... Where's the Big Bad Wolf? Oh wait, it's just that little blond girl jogging by...)

I've never really been a fan of that whole running phenomenon that seems to have hit the youth who live around me. It seems to me that running was created for getting somewhere fast or getting away from a threat like a charging T-Rex. I suppose my threat could be the extra marriage weight, cholesterol, or heart problems, but right now running makes me feel like I'm going to die instead of like I'm going to fight death. Go figure. Oh... figure. Punny. Not intentional, I promise.

I'm going to try to continue this whole exercise thing in the hope that I do it often enough to delude myself into thinking that I actually like it. I used to play tennis in high school and I really enjoyed that. I also took dance lessons and delighted in those. Somewhere along the line I got a degree and a desk job and lost my oomph. For those of you who don't know, Kristi's Official Dictionary sometimes defines "oomph" as "the irrational willingness to exert oneself physically, not to save one's life, but for enjoyment." Sometimes "oomph" is alternately defined as "the noise a Kristi makes when she falls." So if you were confused at first I can understand why.

And can I insert a disclaimer here? I understand that weight gain can be natural and sometimes healthy. However, I find myself noticing that what I do or do not do in regards to food and exercise is affecting my physical shape. I could do with being healthy and toned. Notice that I did not say skinny. Ok?

Don't hate me for this post. No haters here unless you want to post about how you also hate running. I would like to encourage that type of hate. Well, not really, but it would make me feel like less of a fluffy wimp.

Anyhow, perhaps while hubbs is in Vegas I will get into shape and eat well. That sounds like something I should do. Maybe I even want to do it? Gasp! We shall see.

Is anyone else feeling this way? Is this an age thing? A female thing? A "change is coming in my life and I'm working on dealing with it" thing? Sheesh. I need to go cuddle a kitten.

See you later!


  1. no haters here! I totally get this. I mean, I guess since I'm a girl I automatically get this, but especially since I have struggled with my weight since middle school.

    I took up running a couple of years ago and it's what helped me lose the last 15 lbs for my wedding, but then of course I gained it back after the wedding...

    but when I run, my lungs and throat are on fire too. I have a hard time running outside because of this. what I suggest is that you walk for 2 minutes, run for 1 minute for a week or two and then work up to running for longer.

    it might sound crazy, but if you do intervals of running and walking/jogging, you will burn more calories than just running straight through. your heart rate needs to go through peaks and valleys in order to burn those pesky calories.

    I was actually thinking of joining Road Runners in Long Beach this Autumn so that I could get back into running regularly. it's awesome because you can start at the slowest pace possible and just move up when you've trained to!

    anyway, I'm rooting for you and I hope that you reach your goals, no matter how big or small they may be! <3

  2. love this post - running IS evil! have you tried jillian michael's 30-day shred dvd? i did it a long time ago before i went to hawaii, and i lost like 10lbs in two weeks, no joke. it's wicked hard and i definitely cried, but you'll feel darn good about yourself after =)

  3. i was running a half marathon this sunday.
    until 1. i've never run 13 miles in my life
    2. until my partner got injured a month ago and i thought, hey why not stop.
    so 3. she is better and now i can't run more than 3 miles.

    running, i will never have the motivation to keep going. i have the will power to stop... just not to go. haahah

    i hear there is some high after 2 miles... i've never felt it.

    i enjoy walking.

    hope to see you soon, dear.

  4. Thanks for the comments/support, ladies! I'm off to speed-walk and do little running spurts! <3

  5. Running is for suckers.

    I run for zombie hordes and hollywood style end of the world senarios only.

    You should come on one of the Larson power walks. We can all huff and puff as a unit.

  6. Tim, yes! Sounds delightful. :)
