Sunday, March 27, 2011

Slugs 'n Fun

This is my I-went-on-an-awesome-vacation-and-now-I'm-telling-you-about-it blog entry. Disclaimer: you may have to deal with quite a few pictures. I tried to make the file sizes fairly small, but I can only do so much before I start weeping for the diminishing clarity of my pictures. So.

Hubbs and I left the fluffy one behind and went to Portland for a few days for a much-needed vacation. The weather was mostly drizzle except for the time we were hiking to the coast. Then the clouds were parted and glorious sunshine made an appearance. Darn Oregon, seducing us.

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.

We flew out on Monday afternoon and had a serious layover, so we didn't land until late that night. So we did nothing. :)

The next day we decided to see the sights in Portland. We were accompanied by our faithful tour guide, Andy, and my best friend. This visit included Powell's (a bookstore heaven for lovers of the written word and also a bit overwhelming), Cool Harry's (a fro-yo cart owned by someone the guys knew which we all got too see inside and sample), and countless other places including a McMennamin's in an old elementary school. If you are ever in Oregon, go to every McMennamin's you can find. Also, try their IPA. It's their personal brew and is delicious. I could go on and on, or you could Google them and their awesomeness. Do it. This blog can be revisited later. Perhaps with a cup of chai?

Wednesday we went to The Gorge. I don't know if that is what it is formally named, but the locals (our friends) call it that. This included a series of breathtaking waterfalls.

Hubbs looking sexy in the forrest.

Imagine closing your eyes while a mist drenches your eyelashes and all you can hear is the thunder of water hitting water. That is beauty. My picture makes it look small, but you'll get the idea.

After the minor hikes involved, I was quite tired (sickness is evil), so we went and hung out at a friend's place before having dinner with one of my college roomies, her husband, and her sister. We had an awesome time and I dearly wish that Portland was closer so we could see them more often.

Thursday was mine and Hubbs' date day. We went to a little restaurant that we never would have gone to if two things had not happened. First, the restaurant was suggested by the owner and operator of the fro-yo cart. He was cool, so we thought we'd try it. Second, we neglected to check out the menu before sitting down.

Does the sign indicate anything about the origin of the food? Not really.

It so happened that this restaurant was mainly french cuisine, so I could only understand a few words on the menu. I was ready to bolt with my non-cultured head held low. Hubbs thought we should just try it. Of the two things I could pronounce, I decided that the Gnocchi Parisienne was the safest and went with that. As did Hubbs. I wish I would have taken a picture because it was astoundingly different and delicious. We both loved it. I owed him a giant kiss for making me take that risk. Aside from this, we lingered more in the city of Portland and enjoyed tea and window shopping.

Then, we drove back to the house and headed to a tavern McMennamin's (where else?). There was a live bluegrass band and we sat in a cozy booth. This is where I experienced my first Signature Spanish Coffee. Too strong for the menfolk I was with, but I loved it! I must take after my grandma. :)

Yum. Yum. Yum.

Friday was set aside for The Coast. This is what Oregonians call the beach. They are mostly adamant about there being a distinction between The Coast and The Beach. I didn't understand this until I visited. This is The Coast.

So lovely. We hiked through some forest to get to this vantage point. It was such a treat. There were flowers, trees, moss, ferns, and other amazing textures for the eyes. I trailed behind the guys most of the time, just trying to absorb what was around me. It is like nothing else I have ever experienced and part of me already craves to see and feel it again.

You probably recognize this. There is no way I would ever place one on my nose.

I'm totally crushing on Oregon right now. :)

That night we visited our friend at the Pizza Schmizza she manages and had some delicious pizza. Then we headed out for some schmizza (apparently it is a state of mind, not something to be purchased). Where did we go?! Another McMennamins! And the crowd cheered!

Suspension bridge plus Hubbs equals hugs.

The next day was Saturday, so we met friends at Longbottom Cafe for a Dutch Baby and some fresh roasted coffee before heading off to the airport. My brain is so tired that I can't remember if anything funny or awesome happened at the airport, so you're stuck with that simple conclusion to my story.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pay up, dude!

I originally cracked open my laptop just a few minutes ago to make another school loan payment to Sallie Mae. Unfortunately, the payment portion of their website is down, so I've decided to write a quick blog. Personally, I think I should be exempt from the payment I was going to make since their site was down. But I don't think that will fly with little miss Sallie.

I saw this quote the other day:

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
— Albert Einstein

I wasn't searching for quotes about goldfish or anything, it just kind of came up, but it makes total sense. We spend so much of our time being told what we should be, do, wear, know... well, you get the idea. As a kid, I could never understand why I learned differently than others or why math never quite made it through to my brain. I always did well with english, music, art, and the like. However, "smart kids" were good at math and I was not. Luckily, God blessed me with very supportive parents and two older brothers who were good at math. :) The frustrations I had (and sometimes still have) are what urge me on to becoming a teacher one day. I want to tell the students that they don't have to climb trees if they are better at drawing them. I want them to see that their desire for good art, for good theatre, is just as valuable as what mathematicians do. We are all different parts of the same body. If we all did the same thing, it would be no good. That's old wisdom that still shines for a reason.

Gosh, this post is not funny. But I never guaranteed that. Read my first post as proof. You see what you get when I can't pay my loans?


Hubbs is closing a high school production of the musical Grease tonight. I saw it last night and got a kick out of it. If you grew up watching this movie like I did, it is quite surprising to see it done by kids who are the proper age for the characters. They worked hard and I was amused by the final product, despite half of them not knowing their choreography. Hubbs and I both noted that the choreography that was most consistently together was the boys' thrusting. They seemed quite proud of that dance move and it was all I could do to keep from cracking up every time it was executed.

We did laundry today and yesterday for our upcoming trip of awesomeness. Which reminded me that socks disappear in the dryer. Which reminded me of the Sock Stealing Monster that lives in the dryer. This is what I think he looks like. Wheeler, this doodle is for you.

Also, since I'm sure you've been wondering where the Ellie Penelope pictures are...

The little fluffy one reclining on my blanket. 

Being fluffy but looking chubby. I promise she's healthy and in shape.

There you go! Now make sure to have an awesome weekend. That's an order. :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The bunnies are coming!

I went on a walk tonight to the Starbucks around the corner just as night was falling. The sky was changing between five million shades of deep blue and I kept getting intoxicating whiffs of confederate jasmine. If you've never smelled confederate jasmine in bloom before, please do. It reminds me of the home I grew up in and always causes an instant bittersweet feeling.

On my way back I counted at least five adorable brown bunnies with white tails. I know that if I plant a garden the bunnies will become an evil nemesis, but until then I love them. I love that they come out at dusk and chew green things in fluffy groups. I love that they mean Spring is coming. I love that their main method of transport is hopping. Silly? Perhaps. True? You bet your sweet bippy. If you have indeed betted your bippy (regardless of flavor) would you be kind enough to let me know what it is? Because I have no idea what they are or how they became betting currency.

Also on my walk to my apartment I spotted a young man writhing on the ground. I became alarmed for his safety. As I got closer, I noticed that his writhing had a rhythm. Apparently his painful movement was this thing they call exercising. Crunches. Crazy stuff.

Today was honorary St. Patty's Day for me. I helped host Blarney Bingo at work and made these cute giant shamrock pins for myself and my co-host.

Not as neat as I would have liked, but when you're fighting a headache they look awesome.

I also wore an embarrassing awesome hat! Below you will find my best "Leprechaun Face." Don't worry, it is only allowed out for St. Patty's so you likely won't be assaulted by it for another year.

Check out the size of that shamROCK! Not funny? Pish posh.

I had fun and people actually laughed at my tomfoolery. Needless to say, I was surprised. I definitely giggled at all of my own awful, corny jokes. You want an example? Ok. Fine. Since you insisted.

Me: "Ok, I've got an I 25. I 25"
Crowd: "Mumble and rumble."
Me: "What's an Irishman's favorite letter?"
Crowd: "Mumble and rumble."
Me: "Aye!!!!!!!!"
Crowd has a bit of mild laughter.
Sarah: "I thought that was a pirate's favorite letter." (She is slightly serious.)
Me: "No, me lassie, that's the sea!"
Crowd has great laughter.

Believe it or not, that was beautifully terrible improv teamwork. And all done in something remotely resembling an Irish accent. I don't know if they'll ever let me hold a mic again, but I had fun doing it. :)

Finally, for a joke of my own writing. Please brace yourselves because this is a kicker I thought of an hour before we hosted: What happened to the Irishman who wore a plaid skirt to Fashion Week? He was kilt!

And finally, since this blog is getting much too wordy, I leave you with a doodle. I was in meetings all day, so doodles happened. This is just one, but it is the most relevant as far as the holiday spirit goes.

Please note the Doc Martens. And the socks.

Goodbye for now! Have a lovely day tomorrow and be sure to wear green. I've been known to pinch people who don't. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Holy sparkling spandex, Batman!"

I just realized how long it has been since I've last written. Sheesh. So much for making this a habit. :) I obviously don't get addicted easily. Unless you are a wreath. Then I am addicted to you. See evidence below.

Mysterious angle on my newest wreath of loveliness. 

I had a lovely crafting night with my kindrid spirit, BBS. I like her a lot. And she's quite fun to craft alongside. Of course, crafting isn't crafting without Ellie Penelope interruptions, and we had many of them. Visual of the kitten follows here.

Yes, this has been posted on my FB, but seriously. So cute.

The fluffy one has seen fit to work her way into our lives. I joke with people that she is a therapy kitten because of her crazy personality and how she acts with us when we are sick or not feeling well. Example? Hubbs has been sick lately (boooooo....) and kitten felt the need to cuddle with him under the blanket that was warming him. I apologize for the picture to follow. It is not clear, cute, or artsy. I'm a failure as a blogger, I know.

Please note the fluffy coon tail of Ellie Penelope.

I think hubbs enjoyed the attention. :) And I think you'll appreciate the next shot.

Please note the look on her face.

Ok, but seriously, I think the pictures are my way of coping with the fact that I have nothing fun to blog about. Apparently your life becomes quite ordinary when you don't spend all of your time in a theatre. :) And when you've discovered that you like Lady Gaga's music. Not her creepy horned shoulders, just her incredibly danceable tunes. Yes, I just called them "tunes." Date me, I'm a baby of the '80s.


I am counting down until our vacation! One week(ish) in Portland! Exclamation marks read as excitement, right?! Or maybe yelling?!... Maybe yelling. But I am excited. I hope to take roughly one million photos with which to inundate this blog. Maybe I'll even take a photo of hubbs and I watching Monday Night RAW on vacation. Proof that I actually watch that stuff and follow the business like an intelligent WWE fan. Ah, well, they say when you marry someone you begin to take on their attributes. So I've inherited wrestling... what did he get? 

There once was a girl with a head
Who also was somewhat well-read
She wrote out her blog
But didn't go for a jog
And still she felt ready for bed.

Goodnight and good luck!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Party Crashing

I lied.

I promised a limerick some entries ago and did not provide one. So this is what you get. If you provide me with a different first line in my comments, I promise to riff off of that and make you a sweet new limeric.

There once was a girl from Orange County
Who wiped down her counters with Bounty
She'd never met a man
Who promised to love homemade flan
Until she married a Mounty!

Eh?! Eh?!


Do you ever make up stories about people you don't know?

A year or two or three ago I read a book by Chuckie P. It was entitled Rant. Now, our buddy Chuckie P. isn't exactly known for writing sweet, beautiful stories. He's a mind bendy, twisty (twisted?) sort of man. Some of his books I won't read. But I digress...

Rant is a story about people who Party Crash. Not the type we think of, they like to crash cars. The trick is that you only try to get cars who are playing the game and you know who is playing the game by some unique, yet common, characteristic the cars share. For example,  if you strap a baby carrier to the top of the car on the designated night, you are in. Weird. But interesting. Also, you win points for your crashes. I guess that's the "game" part of things.

Back to my stories. Whenever I see someone with a coffee cup or something else common, but slightly wrong, with/on their car, I think they are Party Crashers. Are you sad you're still reading? :) However, this does make traffic quite a bit more entertaining.

In other news:

Ellie Penelope is going to be one year old in a few days. That's weird. Time went by so fast and she's just a kitty. She's currently playing a jealousy game with my laptop. It sits on my lap and she tries to push it off. This would be humorous if she hadn't actually come close to succeeding. I guess she's learning the ways of the cat. She's also learning to do laundry. Sort of.

Rolling around in our laundry basket. Like a helpful kitten.

Sitting in the laundry hamper. Like an imp.

I don't care too much to type about work here because work is work and home is home. However, working with high school students can be quite amusing. I must say, the trend right now is for them to use the term "ironic" incorrectly. It's the little things. :)

When I started writing tonight, I thought I'd have quite a bit more to say. I was wrong. So, dasvidanya! (That's something like Russian for "goodbye.")

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm a Crafty Lady!

Yes, you read that right. I got that craft bug (again) and actually took the time and a few bucks to fill that urge. :) I've been stalking blogs and Etsy for ideas of fun things I want that I can make fairly inexpensively and I am now addicted. My drug of choice? Felt.

Now, before you start thinking I'm crazy or something, check out these sweet little flowers.

I wish I had a better picture, but I was in a hurry to make these into a final project (which you'll see one day), so this is what you get. I think they are so much fun and they are pretty easy, too! I kept wanting to show hubbs the cuteness that was oozing from my fingers (sensory overload?) but he's out of town, so he'll have to deal with me sprinkling them around the house. Or on the walls. Or somewhere. These guys just beg to be seen!

Since hubbs has been out, and I have been playing with tantalizing non-kitten materials, the fluffy one has been paying me quite a bit of attention. This morning I woke up because she was hitting me in the face with her paw. Apparently the time for morning cuddles had come and I wasn't doing my part.

Please note the extraordinarily fluffy belly.

Also, I must brag about the lovely roses hubbs got me. Their color isn't quite right in these pictures, but they are a pale, pale green with pink tips. He's such a sweet hubbs. And I am so thankful for who he is. I'm ready for him to come home already! The watchkitten and I miss him.

I should go now and do a few more productive things before bed time. I've got a full week of work ahead of me. Adios y buena noche!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This whole blogging thing is intense. It takes actual dedication and setting aside time to unscramble your thoughts and toss them onto the keyboard. Then you have to rearrange so that your thoughts make sense and possibly insert some cute kitten pictures.

Ellie chose to lay on the couch that has her nerf gun.

Kudos to those of you who do this consistently. :) Especially the kitten picture part.

I had an audition tonight that went really well. My work was even called "fantastic."
(Insert applause and the cheers of one million fans here.)
However, having a scheduling conflict that would force one to miss a very important week in rehearsals was a problem. The director kindly told me that he couldn't cast me with that conflict and I really respect his honesty. So, good experience auditioning! And no role.
(Insert boos and sighs of one million sad fans here.)

I am totally pumped for that week that I am unavailable, though. Portland, Oregon here we come! I can just see all of those earthy Oregonians running for their lives. :) But in all seriousness, I love Oregon and the hubbs and I have best friends in the area, so we'll have lots of fun and plenty to do. It's been a year since we've been and I feel like my heart is craving the coast and the daffodils there. I wouldn't complain if in the future I got into the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Just sayin'.

And now for some funny things that make me happy at work (besides lovely folks who will remain unnamed)...
Dinosaurs. My desk looks like it has been taken over by them. I should probably produce a photo at some point in time for anyone who has not seen this phenomenon. At this point, this photo I've just taken in front of my laptop will have to suffice.

I also am enjoying doodling monsters of various types. I'm tempted to try making a children's book, just for kicks, with my little monsters. I draw these at work on little pieces of paper or stickies and they seem to brighten a few days. Doodling is often the only way I can pay attention during meetings. Otherwise I fidget and examine cracks in the paint on the walls. I just try to not get caught terribly often.

And that's all I've got to say for now. Tune in next time for a limerick!