Ellie Kitten usually cuddles me rather aggressively in the mornings, but we've trained her to not even try until she hears one of our alarms go off. So, on Saturdays once we're awake we set off an alarm and she jumps onto my chest for morning cuddles. It's cute when she doesn't drool. We do this for 5-10 minutes and then hubbs makes coffee and I pull myself out of bed.
I'm not really a morning person, so that usually takes ten minutes.
I was offended this morning when Ellie chose to not cuddle me, even after those minutes of procrastinating. And no morning cuddles makes Ellie grumpy. No joke. We're currently resolving our hurt feelings by playing fetch. Did I mention that she's a kitten who thinks she's a puppy?
This is her "I love treats" face..
I went to get my hair cut by Mindi instead of going to a callback for UCI this morning. Don't be mistaken, I wasn't called back, so I wasn't ditching. Instead I got to see my lovely hairstylist and get my bangs back. To be completely honest (I think if you've read this far you deserve honesty) I was bummed to not be accepted to UCI. I'll probably do URTA auditions next year and try again for more schools. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out what God is doing with this. I know He has a plan and I know it is better than mine. But I really liked my plan. However, the positives abound. Plenty of positives.
Now for an example of something neat-o I did not plan.
I did not plan on falling in love with my extraordinarily handsome best friend or stealing him from a 6'1" gorgeous British redhead. I had no idea I even possessed that ability! So, as you can see, I might as well not plan. :) All that is needed is one example, right?
What do I look forward to tonight? Another performance. Seeing those crazy, caring, actor friends at the playhouse. Yeah, that'll be nice. If you're local, you should come see the show. We only have two weekends left and I'm kinda funny. As funny as an overemotional, manipulative, pregnant girl can be.
Next audition? Perhaps Bianca in Taming of the Shrew. We shall see, grasshopper, we shall see.
My bangs and my smirky face wearing my 31Bits necklace (which you can barely see but is adorable, I promise).
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